
A react native example for Android that uses Drawermenu, Toolbar and the navigator

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A React Native example for Android that uses Navigation drawer, Toolbar and the navigator for routing.


Since React Native is so new, I haven't found any good tutorial on how to integrate navigation drawer, toolbar and the navigator (as router) for Android.

This repo was created as a project start with these tools integrated. I also included an example on how to use a detail view with it's own toolbar. There is a lot of comments in the code so someone else can understand how it works, build on it and improve it.


  • Clone repo
  • Run "npm install" in project folder
  • Run "react-native run-android" to build app
  • Run "react-native start" for packager / server


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Thanks for the awesome plugins:


  • I know that the menu button to open the navigation drawer should be to the left in the toolbar (according to Androids design guidelines). As I placed it there, the button/icon was very difficult to press. I suspect that the navigation drawer have some sort of overlay that covers the button a bit. Therefore, I placed it to the right so long while I try to solve the problem when I get time.

  • Having trouble finding "bundle.js" when debugging on device? See issue: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32572399/react-native-android-failed-to-load-js-bundle