
Created for toolchain: https://cloud.ibm.com/devops/toolchains/f7bf9e95-8849-4589-9404-938d29e95176?env_id=ibm:yp:eu-de

Primary LanguageJava

Demo for Akme Bank with COS

App based on Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) Using Java and Quarkus and COS Java SDK.


Deploying the account-command-ms:

cd account-command-ms 
make deploy 

Deploying the account-query-ms:

cd account-query-ms
make deploy

Loading customer data in COS

This is list of available commands:

accounts <command>

  accounts create <n>                   create n users with 3 accounts each
  accounts create-named <first> <last>  create named user with 3 accounts
  accounts delete-users                 delete all users
  accounts delete-accounts              delete all accounts
  accounts list-users                   list all users
  accounts list-accounts                list all accounts

To create 10 random users with accounts, run:

kubectl run --generator=run-pod/v1  cli --rm -it --image us.icr.io/paolo/account-cli -- create 10

For the demo, create a named user with accounts as follow:

kubectl run --generator=run-pod/v1  cli --rm -it --image us.icr.io/paolo/account-cli -- create-named Jack Doe

To list users, run:

kubectl run --generator=run-pod/v1  cli --rm -it --image us.icr.io/paolo/account-cli -- list-users

To list accounts, run:

kubectl run --generator=run-pod/v1  cli --rm -it --image us.icr.io/paolo/account-cli -- list-accounts

To delete all users and accounts, run:

kubectl run --generator=run-pod/v1  cli --rm -it --image us.icr.io/paolo/account-cli -- delete-accounts
kubectl run --generator=run-pod/v1  cli --rm -it --image us.icr.io/paolo/account-cli -- delete-accounts

#test PR 5

AKME Terraform configuration for Cloud infrastructure.

AKME Architecture