- SQL ResultSet to POJO mapper
- query builder, allowing fluent construction of criteria arguments
- comparable to Springs
List<User> filteredUsers = sqlBuilder.select()
.and("username like ?", "java%")
.and("username like ?", "%user%")
.and(usernameFilter != null, "username like ?", usernameFilter)
.or("id > 10")
List<User> allUsersAndFiles = sqlBuilder.select()
.sql("select * from users left join files on users.id = files.userid left join attributes on files.id = attributes.fileid")
.select(new JoiningRowHandler<User>() {
public boolean handle(@NotNull ResultSet set, int row) throws SQLException {
final User user = mapPrimaryBean(set, User.class, User.TABLE);
final File file = join(set, user, "files", File.class, File.TABLE);
join(set, file, "attributes", Attribute.class, Attribute.TABLE);
return true;
See more examples at Java usage.
val usersWithFiles = sqlBuilder.select()
.sql("select * from users left join files on users.id = files.userid left join attributes on files.id = attributes.fileid")
.selectJoinedEntities<User>() { set, _ ->
val user = mapPrimaryBean(set, User::class.java, "users")
val file = join(set, user, User::files, "files")
join(set, file, File::attributes, "attributes")
See more examples at Kotlin usage.
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.sqlbuilder:sqlbuilder:1.20.0'
- non intrusive mapping, no annotations or configuration required to map a query result to
- a list of POJOs
- a single POJO
- a primitive
- supports mapping of joined tables with cursor based pagination (not in memory like Hibernate)
- all mappings are based on
interface - @Table and @Column annotations are optional, but help repetitive configuration
- generate SQL but for the simplest of cases (selectBeans)
- try to enable type-safety on top of SQL
- create/update table structures
- abstract database dialects
In short, if you love SQL and want to map the result to some POJOs, sqlbuilder might be the tool for you.