
SLCTestApplication created for RnD Test

Primary LanguageC#


RDT Test (as of 2022)


  1. ASP.NET Core 6.0
  2. ASP.Net Core Identity
  3. Blazor (Server)
  4. MudBlazor
  5. Entity Framework Core
  6. SQL Server

Create a web application following these specifications:


  • Manage questions
  • Manage schedule
  • Manage participant
  • View participant test result
  • View participant test status (answer status)
  • Test page for participant test (server time in the page)
  • Login page for participant


  • multiple choice
  • true | false
  • choose an answer from list
  • essay
  • submit file

[x] use Blazor for making the web application

[x] make a mock data for the question, user, and schedule [x] make a documentation for the application you made / video documentation

[x] Please concern with the efficiency of the application regarding memory, server load, easy to use, and access time. describe the efficiency in the documentation

[x] find a recent technology and design an application that can be made using the technology, write it in a document, describe the app and in which part / feature the technology can be used