"What's the Meaning of Life" Book

This book contains curated answers to the question "What is the meaning of life?" from scientists, politicians, comedians, and many other people around the world.

Most of the answers will be from the Lex Fridman podcast. He always asks this overromantizised question at the end, and I love hearing the answers to that question from the smartest people in the world. Check out this playlist that I created to watch them all: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkHTxarlTx-OWRoYnIwmDlEMatqzpI6wC

Once I have added a sufficient number of answers to the question, I will publish it as a Kindle book. I hope it will add value to some people's lives by providing comprehensive answers to this question.

❤️ PRs for fixing stuff in my revisions of the transcripts are highly appreciated!