Convert html to markdown in Dart. A simplify version of node's turndown.
A simple usage example:
import 'package:html2md/html2md.dart' as html2md;
main() {
var html = '<h1>HTML2MD Demo</h1>';
You can config convert style by passing styleOptions
to convert
html2md.convert(html, styleOptions: { 'headingStyle': 'atx' });
The default and available style options:
Name | Default | Options |
headingStyle | "setext" | "setext", "atx" |
hr | "* * *" | "* * *", "- - -", "_ _ _" |
bulletListMarker | "*" | "*", "-", "_" |
codeBlockStyle | "indented" | "indented", "fenced" |
fence | "```" | "```", "~~~" |
emDelimiter | "_" | "_", "*" |
strongDelimiter | "**" | "**", "__" |
linkStyle | "inlined" | "inlined", "referenced" |
linkReferenceStyle | "full" | "full", "collapsed", "shortcut" |
pub run test
Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.
Created from templates made available by Stagehand under a BSD-style license.