
Contains ansible playbook to create juice-shop, an intentionally insecure webapp for security trainings written entirely in Javascript which encompasses the entire OWASP Top Ten and other severe security flaws, from Björn Kimminich.

File OWASPJuiceDockerPlaybook

Ansible playbook which takes Docker Container approach, as suggested within the juice-shop README.md page.

root acount at the target remote server needs to be accessible through ssh, with ssh key.

File OWASPJuiceDistributionPlayBook

Ansible playbook which takes Packaged Distributions approach, as suggested within the juice-shop README.md page.

This playbook requires additional bash script file (NodeJSDistribution.sh) to be copied into the remote target server and executed on the remote target server.

root acount at the target remote server needs to be accessible through ssh, with ssh key.

File OWASPJuiceShopPlaybook

Ansible playbook which takes From Sources approach, as suggested within the juice-shop README.md page.

This playbook requires additional bash script file (NodeJSInstallation.sh) to be copied into the remote target server and executed on the remote target server.

This playbook is able to install the juice-shop, however the juice-shop is still not working well (yet). Suspected compiler issue and/or mismatch between the juice-shop code and the installed library which may have deprecated functions.

root acount at the target remote server needs to be accessible through ssh, with ssh key.