
Custom nginxplus docker build

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Custom NGINX Plus docker image build

Some of the advanced features that NGINX Plus can provide

  • Load balancing + Session persistence based on cookies *
  • Active health checks on status code and response body
  • Service discovery using DNS
  • Caching static content, API caching with cache‑purging
  • HA: Keepalived + VRRP, state sharing for features including sticky‑Learn session persistence
  • JWT authentication for APIs and OpenID Connect single sign‑on (SSO)
  • NGINX WAF dynamic module
  • Built‑in, real‑time graphical dashboard
  • Integrate with ELK
  • Streaming Media
  • JavaScript Module for NGINX Plus

Build nginxplus docker image

Place the Dockerfile in to the current directory, together with nginx-repo.crt and nginx-repo.key

docker build -t nginxplus .

Run it with your custom conf files

Put your custom config files in /home/ec2-user/conf.d (example)

docker run -d --name nginxplus1 -p 80:80 -v /home/ec2-user/conf.d:/etc/nginx/conf.d nginxplus

if you run SSL on nginxplus, just add one more "-p 443:443"


curl http://localhost

Modify the content of conf.d and reload nginx process

Check the config syntax before reloading

docker exec nginxplus1 nginx -t

Reload nginx process

docker exec nginxplus1 nginx -s reload

Have fun!