
LandXML TIN files to DEM files converter

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Tool for fast rendering of TIN (Triangular Irregular Networks) surface in LandXML format into DEM (Digital Elevation Model) raster files in GeoTIFF format using OpenCL on CPU or GPU



  • python3
  • GDAL library with python bindings
  • OpenCL runtime


Install dependencies

  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ppa
  sudo apt-get update
  sudo apt-get install python3-pip gdal-bin gdal-data python3-gdal clinfo

Install OpenCL driver

Here is the list of OpenCL implementations: https://www.iwocl.org/resources/opencl-implementations/
Install runtime corresponding to your GPU

You can use universal runtime POCL and run render with CPU:

sudo apt install pocl-opencl-icd

Check if you have runtime installed

clinfo -l

install package using pip

pip3 install git+ssh://git@github.com/lekks/tin2dem

or checkout from git and run test

sudo apt-get install python3-pytest
py.test-3 tests



usage: tin2dem.py [-h] [--pixel PIXEL] [--epsg EPSG] [--chunk CHUNK]
                  [--margins MARGINS] [--surface SURFACE] [-a]
                  input_tin output_tiff

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --pixel PIXEL      Pixel size
  --epsg EPSG        EPSG code
  --chunk CHUNK      Processing chunk size, optimal value may depend of your
                     GPU memory.Default is 256
  --margins MARGINS  Output DEM margins
  --surface SURFACE  Surface to render if multiple surfaces is found
  -a, --autocad      Autocad compatible output (shift on 1/2 pixels)

set PYOPENCL_CTX environment variable if you don't want choose runtime every time, for example:

PYOPENCL_CTX=0 tin2dem tin.xml dem.tif


Render example files from landxml.org

wget http://landxml.org/schema/LandXML-2.0/samples/Carlson%20Software/Olympus_Subdivision-2.0.xml
tin2dem Olympus_Subdivision-2.0.xml Olympus_Subdivision-2.0.tif

Multiple surfaces:

wget http://landxml.org/schema/LandXML-1.1/samples/BLUERIDGE%20Analytics/siteops.xml
tin2dem siteops.xml siteops.tif --surface=4