
Fix to the optimal transport gradient.

Primary LanguagePython


This repository provides the code to reproduce the disk tracking experimental results in the paper Differentiable Particle Filters through Conditional Normalizing Flow and the paper Conditional Measurement Density Estimation in Sequential Monte Carlo Methods via Normalizing Flow.

Problem statement in this experiment

This experiment evaluates the performance of Conditional Normalizing Flow DPF (CNF-DPF) and DPF Conditional normalizing flow Measurement model (DPF-CM) in a disk tracking experiment where the task is to track a moving red disk moving along the other distractor disks with different colours. While tracking the target, the observation images are provided at each time step, from which we expect our filter to infer the position of the red disk. The red disk can be occluded by the distractors and may occasionlly run out of the boundary of the images as collisions are not considered in our setting. More detailed description can be found in the paper.

An example of the observation image


Install python Packages

To install the required python packages, run the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Create datasets

Change the working directory to folder ./data/disk/ and run the file create_toy_dataset.py:

python create_toy_dataset.py

to create the disk tracking dataset for training, validation and testing sets.

The generated dataset will be stored in the folder ./data/disk/ as default. Some optional parameters are listed as follows:

  • --num-distractors number of distractors in the observation image.
  • --pos-noise standard deviation of target positions when generating trajectories.
  • --vel-noise action noise of moving disks.
  • --num_examples number of trajectory samples being generated.
  • --sequence_length length of generated trajectories.
  • --out_dir specifies the directory to store the generated dataset.

Project Structure


  • ./data/ contains python scripts for creating training, validation, and testing sets used in the experiment. Generated datasets are also stored in this folder.
  • ./model/ provides functions used to build components of evaluated models, including their dynamic model, measurement model, and proposal distributions.
  • ./nf/ different types of flow models (Planar Flow, Radial Flow, RealNVP, MAF, and CGLOW etc.) can be found in this folder.
  • ./resamplers/ provides implementations of differentiable resampling schemes including soft resampling and resampling via entropy-regularized optimal transport.
  • ./logs/ experiment results are saved in this folder.

Python scripts

  • main_DiskTracking.py: run this file to train, validate, and test the model.
  • DPFs.py: implementation of different differentiable particle filtering algorithms evaluated in the papers, contains functions for training, validating, and testing these methods.
  • dataset.py: creates a pytorch Dataset object for the disk tracking dataset.
  • losses.py: different optimisation objectives for training the model.
  • utils.py: useful functions to save space in the main file.
  • arguments.py: configurations of the experiment.

Arguments in the experiment

Basic arguments in the experiment

  • --trainType whether to train the model in the supervised setting or the semi-supervised setting, available options: DPF|SDPF.
  • --lr learning rate when optimising the trained model.
  • --batchsize batch size of training dataloader.
  • --num_epochs number of training epochs.
  • --resampler_type type of particle resampler used in the experiment, available options: soft|ot.
  • --num-particles number of particles used in the experiment.
  • --testing test a model saved in a specified path.
  • --model-path path of the tested model.
Arguments for the CNF-DPF setup

The CNF-DPF is proposed in the paper Differentiable Particle Filters through Conditional Normalizing Flow, it adopts (conditional) normalizing flows to construct flexible dynamic models (proposal distributions). Particularly, (conditional) Real-NVP is applied in the CNF-DPF.

To evaluate the performance of the CNF-DPF, run the following command:

python main_DiskTracking.py --NF-dyn --NF-cond 

Related arguments:

  • --NF-dyn set as True to enhance the dynamic model with normalizing flows, default as False.
  • --NF-cond set as True to propose particles using conditional normalizing flows, default as False.
Arguments for the DPF-CM setup

The DPF-CM is proposed in the paper Conditional Measurement Density Estimation in Sequential Monte Carlo Methods via Normalizing Flow, where conditional normalizing flows are employed to estimate the likelihood of observations given states.

To reproduce the epxeriment results of the DPF-CM reported in the paper, run the following command:

python main_DiskTracking.py --measurement CRNVP

Available measurement models

  • --measurement selects the measurement model for the evaluated methods, available options: | cos | gaussian | NN | CGLOW | CRNVP |

    • For measurement models built with conditional normalizing flows, both conditional Real-NVP (CRNVP) and conditional-GLOW (CGLOW) are available options in this project, but only the performance of conditional Real-NVP is reported in the paper since conditional GLOW was found to produce slightly higher prediction error (RMSE) than conditional Real-NVP, we are now analysing intermediate results to find out the reason for this.
    • The option | cos | refers to the measurement model proposed in the paper End-to-End Semi-supervised Learning for Differentiable Particle Filters, where the likelihood of observation given states is estimated by the cosine similarity between the observation feature and the state feature.
    • The option | gaussian | is the measurement model used in the robot localization experiment in the paper Differentiable particle filtering via entropy-regularized optimal transport. This measurement model estimates the likelihood by computing the Gaussian density of observation feature conditioned on the state feature.
    • The option | NN | denotes the measurement model proposed in the paper Particle Filter Networks with Application to Visual Localization , it considers the observation likelihoods as the outputs of a neural network , whose input is the concatenation of feature maps of observations and states.

Code for the above measurement models can be found in the python script ./model/models.py

If you used other values other than the default one for the argument --pos-noise when running the script create_toy_dataset.py, it is needed to accordinlgy set the argument --true-pos-noise as the same value when running the main file, otherwise the Dataloader won't be able to find the dataset files.



The implemention of included normalizing flow models are from the repository: normalizing-flows by tonyduan, the implementation of the conditional GLOW model is based on the repository Conditional-GLOW by You Lu.


If you find this code useful for your research, please cite our paper:

    author={Chen, Xiongjie and Wen, Hao and Li, Yunpeng},
    booktitle={Proc. Intl. Conf. Information Fusion (FUSION)},
    title={Differentiable Particle Filters through Conditional Normalizing Flow},
    address={Sun City, South Africa},
    author={Chen, Xiongjie and and Li, Yunpeng},
    booktitle={Proc. Euro. Sig. Process. Conf. (EUSIPCO)},
    title={Conditional Measurement Density Estimation in Sequential Monte Carlo Methods via Normalizing Flow},
    address={Belgrade, Serbia},