
Pyscanlogger - Python Port scan detector

Primary LanguagePython


Pyscanlogger - Python Port scan detector

A pure Python program to detect network port scanning attacks. Currently logs different TCP port scans. Can run in the background like a daemon and log attacks to a log file.

The latest code for this including some added features can be seen here http://code.google.com/p/pyscanlogd/

Required Packages

Pyscanlogger is dependent on pypcap and dpkt packages.


Install pypcap and dpkt from their project pages.

  1. Download dpkt source code from http://code.google.com/p/dpkt/
  2. extract file and move to dpkt folder
  3. python setup.py build
  4. sudo python setup.py install

Install pypcap via pip install

sudo pip install pypcap


To run with default options just run the tool as root.

$ sudo python pyscanlogger.py

To log a file pass the "-f" option.

$ sudo python pyscanlogger.py -f "./scanlog.log"

To run daemon pass the "-d" option.

$ sudo python pyscanlogger.py -d -f "./scanlog.log"

Note: When running as daemon, if -f option is not provided, no output is printed to stdout.

Referenced from