
Tool suite for Image compression and analysis using CPUs, GPUs and APUs.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Compressonator is a set of tools to allow artists and developers to more easily create compressed texture image assets and easily visualize the quality impact of various compression technologies. It consists of a GUI application, a command line application and an SDK for easy integration into a developer tool chain.

Compressonator DXTn (S3TC)is developed for Microsoft Windows® platform.

For more details goto the Compressonator Wiki: https://github.com/GPUOpen-Tools/Compressonator/wiki

Get Prebuilt Binaries and Installer here:


Compressonator V2.7 Upcomming Features

  • Adaptive Channel Formatting
    • Image resampling for 8 bit channel to float 16 or float 32 bits per channel
    • RGBE channel transcodes

Recent additions and changes

v2.6 release June 30 2017 https://github.com/GPUOpen-Tools/Compressonator/releases

  • Improved Image Diff

    • Adding ability to compare any two image files either from project tree or external files
  • ASTC codec update

    • Various improvements in code
  • Adaptive Channel Formatting

    • Compress or Transcode LDR/HDR images into any 8 bit per channel compression codecs or images
    • Compress or Transcode 8 bit per channel images to LDR/HDR images
    • Options are provided to adjust the conversions as needed from channel defaults, such as Exposure, Knee, Defog, etc..

Build Instructions for Windows 7 and up

To build the applications you will need to have Visual Studio 2015 installed and Qt V5.7 msvc2015 and msvc2015_64 opensource downloaded from QT website .

Note: The solution project assume QT is installed in default path (C:\Qt\5.7). If you use different path, please change the project property accordingly in the Compressonator_Root.props file.

The directory of your workspace should be as follows

  • Common
  • Compressonator
  • README.md

It is also recommended that you install and configure Visual Studio Qt5 Package extension from MSDN Visual Studio Gallery, and set in Qt Options dialog, Qt Default Version name V5.7 and path to default download path C:\Qt\5.7\msvc2015_64\bin\


Build Applications using Batch Files

Simply run one of the batch files from a window console.

To build the Compressonator GUI run BuildGUI.

To build the Compressonator Command line Tool run BuildCLI.

Manual Build Steps

Go to the associated directory where Visual Studio Solution Files are located as indicated in steps A through C.

All of the Applications (B, C) apart from the SDK libs (A) can be built as either Release_MD or Debug_MD 32 Bit applications.

For Application builds make sure that the default startup projects are set as follows:

(B) CommandLine solution set to CompressonatorCLI (C) GUI solution set to MainApp

Always clean and rebuild the projects

(A) Build the SDK libs using


This solution will create a build folder that contains DLL and Libs under \Compressonator\Build\VS2015(configuration)(platform)\

example: Compressonator\Build\VS2015\Release_MD\Win32\

(B) Build the Command line tool using


This solution will create a build folder that contains a CompressonatorCLI.exe and a new plugins folder under \Compressonator\Build\VS2015(configuration)(platform)\

The command line tool has dependencies on the following:

Qt (V5.7 and up)

  • Qt5Core.dll
  • Qt5Gui.dll
  • qt.conf


  • glew32.dll
  • libGLESv2.dll


  • opencv_core249.dll
  • opencv_imgproc249.dll
  • opencv_highgui249.dll

Required only when using Vulkan plugin

  • vulkan-1.dll
  • texture.vert.spv
  • texture.frag.spv

Optional for image loading and saving

  • qtga.dll
  • qtiff.dll

The dlls above are copied to CompressonatorCLI.exe folder by "CopyFiles.bat" in the VS2015.sln.

(C) Build the GUI Tool using


This solution will create a build folder that contains a Compressonator.exe and a plugins folder under \Compressonator\Build\VS2015(configuration)(platform)\

If building in Debug_MD configuration, please make sure the working directory is in \Compressonator\Build\VS2015\Debug_MD(platform)\

The GUI tool has dependencies on Qt(V5.7 and up) - These file are copied to the Compressonator.exe folder when the project solution builds and run "CopyFiles.bat".