Benchmarks for testing various decimal libraries

For now, the benchmark is a simple one: adder, which actually times both serialization and addition.


This benchmark measures two things: the time to convert a string to a decimal plus the time to add it to another decimal

In each directory, compile the app and run it with the number of repetitions as the first parameter.

The algorithm followed in all of them:

  • Declare a and result as decimals
  • Initialize result to 0.0000000000
  • For repetition times: (serialization)
    • deserialize "1.0000000001" into a
  • For repetition times: (addition)
    • add a to result
  • print time to finish for each
  • print value of result

Ad-hoc results from John's last run

with a parameter of 10,000,000 repetitions:

test mpdecimal (c) decimal128 (nim) libbson (c) nim std lib (unfinished)
serialization 0.500s 8.297s 0.408 13.340s
addition 0.167s 3.724s not supported not done yet

All of them produced the correct result of 10000000.0010000000

The Systems Tested

All three directories/libraries conform to IEEE 754-2008 specifications.

The nim std decimal library is still under development.