
JesterCookieMsgs is a Jester web plugin for passing messages between pages using a browser cookie

Primary LanguageNimMIT LicenseMIT

Introduction to jestercookiemsgs

ver 1.0.1

nimble repo.support

This is a plugin for the nim web framework Jester. It enables easy message passing between web pages using browser cookies.


  1. Include the plugin cookieMsgs() at the top of your main routes or primary router. This will enable the plugin for the whole web site.
  2. Use the object variable created to access the say and related procedures.
  3. Add the display of your messages to each web page should such a message be ready. (Again, using the object variable created.)


import htmlgen
import strutils
import jester
import jestercookiemsgs

const indexTemplate = """<html>
  <title>My Website</title>
    <div class="header">
    <form action="" method="POST">
      <input type="text" name="name" value="" />
      <button type="submit">Send Name</button>

const helloTemplate = """<html>
  <title>My Website</title>
    <div class="header">

proc indexPage(cm: CookieObj): string =
  let messages = cm.htmlListItems()
  let main = "This is my Website"
  result = indexTemplate % [messages, main]

proc helloPage(name: string, cm: CookieObj): string =
  let messages = cm.htmlListItems()
  let main = "Welcome, $1" % [name]
  result = helloTemplate % [messages, main]

  plugin cm <- cookieMsgs()
  get "/":
    resp indexPage(cm)
  post "/":
    if request.params["name"] == "Joe":
      cm.say("success", "I like that name.")
      redirect "/hello/$1" % [request.params["name"]]
      cm.say("danger", "That isn't a name I like.")
      redirect "/"
  get "/hello/@name":
    resp helloPage(@"name", cm)


Whenever request is received by the Jester web server, the plugin first checks for a cookie labeled "messages". If it finds that cookie, it decodes the messages from the previous page and stores them in created variable as part of the fromRequest array,.

Then the route runs as normally. If any new say procedures are run, those new messages are stored in the fromRoute array.

When the route ends, if it terminates with:

  • resp, then it is assumed that your template displayed the routes and the plugin empties the contents of the "messages" cookie.
  • redirect, then all messages found in both fromRequest and fromRoute are encoded by the plugin into a new "messages" cookie for the next page to find.

Table Of Contents

  1. Introduction to jestercookiemsgs

  2. Appendices

    1. jestercookiemsgs Reference