
Serialized Lists of Ordered Named Elements

Primary LanguageNimMIT LicenseMIT

Introduction to slone

ver 0.2.0


This library serializes and deserializes items to the SLONE formatting specification.

SLONE stands for Serialized Lists [of] Ordered Named Elements.

This library uses the LONE collection datatype, which is a generic List of Ordered Named Elements.

In the Nim language's library, two persistent constants are introduced, nothing and null.

An example schema named "person.slone":

#! SLONE 1.0
_ : field = {
  "name" : name = "person_id"
  "type" : type = "uuid"
  "element" : element = "value"
  "required" : int = "1"
_ : field = {
  "name" : name = "full name"
  "type" : type = "name"
  "element" : element = "value"
  "required" : int = "1"
_ : field = {
  "name" : name = "mailing address"
  "type" : type = "address_label"
  "element" : element = "list"
  "children" : children = {
    _ : field = {
      "element" : element = "string"
      "type": type = "line"
      "required" : int = "2"
_ : field = {
  "name" : name = "age"
  "type" : type = "uint8"
  "element" : element = "value"

For the above example schema, all of the following are valid documents:

#! SLONE 1.0
#% person.slone
"person_id" : uuid = "12e38e63-f8ed-43dd-a525-db56a09b37cb"
"full name" : name = "Joe Smith"
"mailing address" : address_label = {
  _ : line = "123 Main St"
  _ : line = "Anytown, ST 12345"
"age" : uint8 = ?
#! SLONE 1.0
#% person.slone
"person_id" : uuid = "ba3a0310-dd3c-4cce-b9d6-da92d2b48f6b"
"full name" : name = "Mary Doe"
"address" : address_label = {
  _ : line = "Unit B"
  _ : line = "Floor 32"
  _ : line = "3434 Uptown Ave"
  _ : line = "New York, NY"
#! SLONE 1.0
#% person.slone
"person_id" = "07d58ec6-1e44-4a57-839a-f01c5e20913c"
"full name" = "John Dine"
"age" = "62"

The code used to generate the first document above:

import slone
import slone/uuids

var id = genUUID()
var age: Option[int32] = null

var doc = newLone()
doc["person_id"] = id                             # a real UUID is serialized as a string (from slone/uuids lib)
doc["full name"] = "Joe Smith"
doc["age"] = age
doc["mailing address"] = newLone()
doc["mailing address"].add(nothing, "123 Main St")
doc["mailing address"].add(nothing, "Anytown, ST 12345")

echo $doc                                                  # serialized but without schema or types
echo doc.seriallize(1.0, schemaFile="person.slone")        # serialized and re-ordered per schema; with full type annotations
echo doc.serializeUntyped(1.0, schemaFile="person.slone")  # serialized and re-ordered per schema; but with no type annotations

Table Of Contents

  1. Introduction to slone

  2. Appendices

    1. slone Reference