
Generate every combination of possible values for some set of parameters

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Generate every combination of possible values for some set of parameters.

In testing it is sometimes of value to map out what the different parameters are for a particular feature or block of code, and then generating the full list of every distinct combination.

This is typically accomplished by writing a bunch of nested for loops. For speed, those loops skip invalid combinations as soon as possible, so that we don't waste time generating hundreds if not thousands of invalid sub-combinations, only to throw them away.

This module exists to abstract away this process, so that a GUI can be built to make it easier.


npm install --save combinatorial-eval


Generate all possible combinations

import { CombinatorialEval } from 'combinatorial-eval';

let callback = (o) => { console.log( o ); };

new CombinatorialEval()
    .dimension( 'letter', ['A','B','C'] )
    .dimension( 'digit',  ['1','2','3'] )
    .dimension( 'symbol'  ['!','@','#'] )
    .generate( callback );
// outputs 27 ( 3*3*3 ) objects, one for each combination
// in order:  A1!, A1@, A!#, A2!, A2@, A2#, A3!, A3@, A3#, B1!, ...

Process each dimension in a random order

new CombinatorialEval()
    .dimension( 'letter', "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRUSTUVWXYZ".split('') )
    .generate( callback );
// outputs one item per letter, but in random order

Apply a validation filter

new CombinatorialEval()
    .dimension( 'letter', ['A','B','C'] )
    .dimension( 'digit',  ['1','2','3'], 'letter+digit !== "A1"' )
    .dimension( 'symbol'  ['!','@','#'] )
    .generate( callback );
// outputs 24 combinations, omitting all those where letter is A and digit is 1

Pass in a ProgressiveEvaluation context to make variables available to the validation filter

let context = ProgressiveEvaluation.from({
    skip: new Variable('skip').value('bar')
new CombinatorialEval()
    .dimension( 'word', ['foo','bar','baz','blip'], 'word !== skip' )
    .generate( callback, context );
// generates three outputs, skipping the one where word is 'bar'