
C file as shown on YouTube. This C file contains ALL functions to drive an ILI9341 8 bit display, no library required. It contains a custom 'Write Number' function developed by me, John B and has been demonstrated on YouTube. It is specifically for numbers since they constantly need updating. (unlike text). I have just completed an up-date which automatically blanks number positions only if 'those positions' have been used. It uses a 'Long to String' function, you do need a library for that in your own IDE. Since a long can count to approximately 4.5 Billion, there are many 'switch cases' The update now automatically excludes the 'switch case' if they are not required. I demonstrated the 'write number' function in the above link and showed how one can easily change to any font of their choice. I used a Pic32, the connections are in the C file, adjust to suit. I hope this helps you. Write a number once, no silly blanking after it has been written. John B 3/06/2021 Feel free to donate a coffee in the link via YouTube.