
We are now running our Virtual Machine on AWS inside a EM2 Instance and connecting to it via SSH. This also has the Reverse Proxy already applied.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

AWS intro and Deployment

What is AWS?

Amazon Web services or AWS is a secure cloud services platform, offering compute power, database storage, content delivery and other functionality to help businesses scale and grow.

In simple words AWS allows you to do the following things-

  1. Running web and application servers in the cloud to host dynamic websites.
  2. Securely store all your files on the cloud so you can access them from anywhere.
  3. Using managed databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle or SQL Server to store information.
  4. Deliver static and dynamic files quickly around the world using a Content Delivery Network (CDN).
  5. Send bulk email to your customers.

Compute | Storage | Databases | Migration | Networking & Content Delivery | Developer Tools | Management Tools | Analytics | Security, Identity, and Compliance | Application Services | Mobile Services | Business Productivity | Desktop & App Streaming | Artificial Intelligence | AR & VR | Customer Engagement | Game Development | Internet of Things

Useful commands --

Secure Copy of folder app to a new app folder inside the VM

scp -i ~/.ssh/DevOpsStudents.pem -r app/ ubuntu@<ip_address_of_EM2>:~/app/

Enter the EM2 Machine via SSH

ssh -i ~/.ssh/DevOpsStudents.pem ubuntu@<ip address from VM>

Move file/ folder From one location to another

mv from:<path/file> target:<path/file>

List this is like ls and lists all items in a directory

l <show all items in current directory> [-a <hidden folders>]

remove a folder even if it is not empty

rm -rf <folder> # helps delete directory even if its not empty

Steps to setting up a EC2 Machine


We log in through this LINK

Post Requests

These happen behind the scenes and are usually data being sent to the server from the user, typically these are private details and they wont be visible in the URL. This is used sometimes during payment as it is confidential information that should not be seen by any other individuals.

Get Requests

These are requests that happen when you click a website for example you are getting all the URL requests and displaying the page. The URL usually contains paths and arguments of the get request too.

They both have an end-point when they are made, these are used in different cases but have their specific uses.

AWS website we went to Services > EMC2 > Instances then we click Create instance.

Creating an instance of a Machine

Now we are going to create an instance, of this particular machine:


Then a list of machines are loaded, some of them are very powerful, with lots of cores and gigabytes these are more expensive but are available so must be in some kind of demand.

We chose the t2.micro with 1 CPU and 1GB of memory.

In the configuring the instance we left everything except these settings below.


Then in the Tags section we added Name into the key and in the value we added our own naming convention, mine was Eng67.John.Webapp.


Then we launched our server and navigated to our .ssh and added the DevOpsStudent.pem we were given.

Whilst in the ssh folder in git bash we need to ssh into the Virtual Machine that is now being hosted on AWS. To access it we used the command:

ssh -i ~/.ssh/DevOpsStudents.pem ubuntu@<ip address from VM>

Now we are inside this Virtual Machine on the Amazon Web Services.

Other users cannot SSH into our Virtual Machines, because when we set up the Virtual machines security group we set it to only allow our IP access our machine.

Moving some code to AWS VM

We installed the following:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install nginx

sudo apt-get install nodejs

sudo apt-get install npm

Now we want to send a folder into our EC2 instance being hosted on AWS.

There is also a cool way to access a manual of certain commands when you use the man key word before a command, for example:

man scp <to send folders to VM on AWS>

To send a secure copy of our folder we are using:

scp -i <key> path/file user@ip:/path/file1

In the folder we can open the directory we are in using sublime with subl .

We used the command:

scp -i ~/.ssh/DevOpsStudents.pem -r app/ ubuntu@

This then copied over the app folder from within our local directory into the virtual machines directory using the pem key to following by -r as this makes it recursive in order to move all the files until there are no more left. The letter i stands for identity and should have our public key to match with the stored private key on AWS.

We did the necessary provisioning our Virtual machines to to get NGINX running and NPM installed then the web server could be reached and by adding over people to my security group they were also able to access the web server.

What is a production Environment

A production environment is where software runs constantly and is widely available to end users and/ or software.

A production environment in DevOps is an environment where software and other products are actually put into operation for their intended uses by end users. A production environment can be thought of as a real-time setting where programs are run and hardware setups are installed and relied on for organization or commercial daily operations.

The production environment is like the other environments used for testing and deployment, the only difference that it has is the most stable and up-to-date version of any product that has met the acceptance criteria for it to be released to the end-users. These end users will use the product and potentially provide feedback for future iterations of the software.

Some interesting Images



Steps I have taken Recorded Here

  • I had to install a package called Rsync onto my windows machine, I downloaded this Zip

Extracted it and inside the bin folder cut and paste the rsync.ext file into the following file path:

C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin

Shut all instances of Git Bash, open a new instance and run Rsync to install the program.

rsync -avz -e "-i ~/.ssh/DevOpsStudents.pem" --progress /app ubuntu@

CI with Jenkins