
This Repo contains MVC style integration of a web app from Python. Including a Login and Quiz System.

Primary LanguageHTML

MVC | Model View Controller

In python we are using the Flask micro-framework to develop a web application that follows the MVC development pattern.

Model View Controller
Uses the models to retrieve all of the necessary data, organises it, and sends it off to the... The View, which then uses that data to render the final webpage presented to the user in their browser The controller receives that request. Put simply, when a request comes in, the controller, which handles our app’s business logic, decides how to handle it.


Importing the flask Module and using the micro-framework to incorporate MVC

from flask import Flask

In order for us to use flask we need to create an instance of our app like so...

app = Flask(__name__)

Syntax to create flask instance (__name__)

syntax for decorators to create a web route is @/route, Create a welcome method to display on home/ default page. Whatever happens after the '/' will be the URL in the browser view.

@app.route("/")  # Default page start
def index():
    return user_page("John")

We also printed a basic HTML page with a header.

@app.route("/")  # Default page start
def index():
    return "<h1>Welcome to MVC with flask project</h1>"


To run this application we first need to go to the Terminal and do the following:

  • set FLASK_ENV=development
  • run FLASK Whilst you are in the directory where the base flask app is located.

It is also essential that you add a block of code to run the app when you run it in the terminal.

debug=True ensure to update any changes without re-running the app

if __name__ == '__main__':


We also created another function which took in a username, dynamically within the URL with a <username> tag in the @app.route decorator.

@app.route("/<username>")  # Default page start<username>
def user_page(username):
    return f"<h1>Welcome to Python flask app dear {username} </h1>"


We did some HTML, Bootstrap (a HTML framework that allows responsive design with a mobile-first directive)

We also did some inheritance or OOP web design using the 'extends' keyword. We created a master.html file that extends into the index.html and shows everything as a result.

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no">
    <title>{% block title %} Engineering 67 {% endblock %}</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.3.1/css/bootstrap.min.css"
          integrity="sha384-ggOyR0iXCbMQv3Xipma34MD+dH/1fQ784/j6cY/iJTQUOhcWr7x9JvoRxT2MZw1T" crossorigin="anonymous">

Here we showed that we want to get the block specified, as of now we have not specified what not to select so it takes all the information in the master file.

Login Page with Optional Quiz

We have been tasked with creating a log in page using the skills we have developed so far in the academy. This log in page is a good starting point as it is a very common element in many companies and is a great example to apply our skills including:

  • CSV, JSON and .TXT file reading and writing
  • SQL and Database
  • Secure Password encryption and user authentication
  • Python 🐍
  • Python API requests, response Codes
  • MVC the common and widely used Model, View and Controller design pattern
  • HTML and Bootstrap along with Flask micro-framework

To do List

  • Interview

  • Email notes from interview to Shahrukh

  • Finish Profile and Summary

  • MVC using Flask (Exercise) GitHub Repo HERE

    • Make Login Page

    • Create authentication check for successful login

    • Incorporate API Status Code checking into Login too

    • Add functionality to get questions from CSV/ JSON file

    • Create a Quiz

    • 10 Questions

    • Multiple choice questions

    • Give feedback (Score)

Extended functionality

  • Add a if statement in 404 to redirect to Home page if logged in, else go to login

Great Learning Resources

Learn Flask with Python

Documentation of Login Page

First of all I designed two web page using the popular CSS framework Bootstrap. One was a Login Page, and the other was a Home page, this was the first part of the work that needed to be complete - it was to facilitate the login functionality and successful transfer from Login to Home page when the login was done successfully.

Entity Relationship Diagram for Database
