
Nexmo REST API client for Node.js. API support for SMS, Voice, Text-to-Speech, Numbers, Verify (2FA) and more.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Nexmo Client Library for Node.js build status

A Node.JS REST API Wrapper library for Nexmo.

For full API documentation refer to docs.nexmo.com.


Installation | Constructor | Messaging | Voice | Verify | Number Insight | Applications | Management | Redact | JWT (JSON Web Token)


npm install nexmo


var Nexmo = require('nexmo');

var nexmo = new Nexmo({
    apiKey: API_KEY,
    apiSecret: API_SECRET,
    applicationId: APP_ID,
    privateKey: PRIVATE_KEY_PATH,
  }, options);
  • apiKey - API Key from Nexmo
  • apiSecret - API SECRET from Nexmo
  • applicationId - The Nexmo Application ID to be used when creating JWTs. Required for voice related functionality.
  • privateKey - The Private Key to be used when creating JWTs. You can specify the key as any of the following:
    • The private key as a string (It must start with -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----)
    • A Buffer containing the file contents. Required for voice related functionality.
    • A path to the key file on disk
  • options - Additional options for the constructor

Options are:

  // If true, log information to the console
  debug: true|false,
  // append info the the User-Agent sent to Nexmo
  // e.g. pass 'my-app' for /nexmo-node/1.0.0/4.2.7/my-app
  appendToUserAgent: string,
  // Set a custom logger
  logger: {
    log: function() {level, args...}
    info: function() {args...},
    warn: function() {args...}
  // Set a custom timeout for requests to Nexmo in milliseconds. Defaults to the standard for Node http requests, which is 120,000 ms.
  timeout: integer


Send a text message

nexmo.message.sendSms(sender, recipient, message, options, callback);

Send a Binary Message

nexmo.message.sendBinaryMessage(fromnumber, tonumber, body, udh, callback);
  • body - Hex encoded binary data
  • udh - Hex encoded udh

Send a WAP Push Message

nexmo.message.sendWapPushMessage(fromnumber, tonumber, title, url, validity, callback);
  • validity - is optional (if given should be in milliseconds)

Send a Short Code alert

nexmo.message.shortcodeAlert(recipient, messageParams, opts, callback);


For detailed information please see the documentation at https://docs.nexmo.com/voice/voice-api

Make a call

Requires applicationId and privateKey to be set on the constructor.

  to: [{
    type: 'phone',
    number: TO_NUMBER
  from: {
    type: 'phone',
    number: FROM_NUMBER
  answer_url: [ANSWER_URL]
}, callback);

For more information see https://docs.nexmo.com/voice/voice-api/api-reference#call_create

Get a Call

nexmo.calls.get(callId, callback);

For more information see https://docs.nexmo.com/voice/voice-api/api-reference#call_create

Query Calls

nexmo.calls.get({status: 'completed'}, callback);

The first parameter can contain many properties to filter the returned call or to page results. For more information see the Calls API Reference.

Update a Call

nexmo.calls.update(callId, { action: 'hangup' }, callback);

For more information see https://developer.nexmo.com/api/voice#modify-an-existing-call

Stream an Audio File to a Call

    stream_url: [
    loop: 1

For more information see https://docs.nexmo.com/voice/voice-api/api-reference#stream_put

Stop an audio stream in a call


For more information see https://docs.nexmo.com/voice/voice-api/api-reference#stream_delete

Play synthesized text in a call

    text: 'No songs detected',
    voiceName: 'Emma',
    loop: 1

For more information see https://docs.nexmo.com/voice/voice-api/api-reference#talk_put

Stop synthesized text in a call


Send DTMF to a Call

nexmo.calls.dtmf.send(callId, params, callback);

For more information see https://docs.nexmo.com/voice/voice-api/api-reference#dtmf_put


For detailed information please see the documentation at https://docs.nexmo.com/voice/voice-api/recordings

Get a file (recording)

nexmo.files.get(fileIdOrUrl, callback);

Save a file (recording)

nexmo.files.save(fileIdOrUrl, file, callback);


Submit a Verification Request


For more information check the documentation at https://docs.nexmo.com/verify/api-reference/api-reference#vrequest

Validate the response of a Verification Request


For more information check the documentation at https://docs.nexmo.com/verify/api-reference/api-reference#check

Search one or more Verification Request

nexmo.verify.search(<ONE_REQUEST_ID or ARRAY_OF_REQUEST_ID>,callback);

For more information check the documentation at https://docs.nexmo.com/verify/api-reference/api-reference#search

Cancel verification


For more information check the documentation at https://docs.nexmo.com/verify/api-reference/api-reference#control

Trigger next verification event


For more information check the documentation at https://docs.nexmo.com/verify/api-reference/api-reference#control

Number Insight


nexmo.numberInsight.get({level: 'basic', number: NUMBER}, callback);

For more information check the documentation at https://docs.nexmo.com/number-insight/basic


nexmo.numberInsight.get({level: 'basic', number: '1-234-567-8900'},  callback);


nexmo.numberInsight.get({level: 'standard', number: NUMBER}, callback);

For more information check the documentation at https://docs.nexmo.com/number-insight/standard


nexmo.numberInsight.get({level: 'standard', number: '1-234-567-8900'}, callback);


nexmo.numberInsight.get({level: 'advanced', number: NUMBER}, callback);

For more information check the documentation at https://docs.nexmo.com/number-insight/advanced

Advanced Async

Number Insight Advanced might take a few seconds to return a result, therefore the option exist to process the result asynchronously through a webhook.

nexmo.numberInsight.get({level: 'advancedAsync', number: NUMBER, callback: "http://example.com"}, callback);

In this case the result of your insight request is posted to the callback URL as a webhook. For more details on webhooks see the Number Insight Advanced documentation.


For an overview of applications see https://docs.nexmo.com/tools/application-api

Create an App

nexmo.applications.create(name, type, answerUrl, eventUrl, options, callback);

For more information see https://docs.nexmo.com/tools/application-api/api-reference#create

Get a single App

nexmo.applications.get(appId, callback);

For more information see https://docs.nexmo.com/tools/application-api/api-reference#retrieve

Get Apps by filter

nexmo.application.get(options, callback);

For more information see https://docs.nexmo.com/tools/application-api/api-reference#list

Update an App

nexmo.applications.update(appId, name, type, answerUrl, eventUrl, options, callback);

For more information see https://docs.nexmo.com/tools/application-api/api-reference#update

Delete an App

nexmo.application.delete(appId, callback);

For more information see https://docs.nexmo.com/tools/application-api/api-reference#delete


Check Account Balance


Get Pricing for sending message to a country.

nexmo.number.getPricing(countryCode, callback);
  • countryCode - 2 letter ISO Country Code

Get Pricing for sending message or making a call to a number.

nexmo.number.getPhonePricing(product, msisdn, callback);
  • product - either voice or sms
  • msisdn - Mobile Station International Subscriber Directory Number (MSISDN) is a number used to identify a mobile phone number internationally. i.e. 447700900000

Get all numbers associated to the account.

nexmo.number.get(options, callback);
  • options parameter is an optional Dictionary Object containing any of the following parameters
    • pattern
    • search_pattern
    • index
    • size

For more details on what the above options mean refer to the Nexmo API documentation


nexmo.number.get({pattern:714,index:1,size:50,search_pattern:2}, callback);

Search for MSISDN's available to purchase


options parameter is optional. They can be one of the following :

  1. number pattern to match the search (eg. 1408)
  2. Dictionary Object optionally containing the following parameters :
  • pattern
  • search_pattern
  • features
  • index
  • size

For more details on what the above options mean refer to the Nexmo API documentation


nexmo.number.search('US',{pattern:3049,index:1,size:50,features:'VOICE',search_pattern:2}, callback);

Purchase number

nexmo.number.buy(countryCode, msisdn, callback);

Cancel Number

nexmo.number.cancel(countryCode, msisdn, callback);

Update Number

nexmo.number.update(countryCode, msisdn, params, callback);

params is a dictionary of parameters per documentation

Update Password (API Secret)


Update Callback URL associated to the account


Change Delivery Receipt URL associated to the account



Redact a specific ID

nexmo.redact.transaction(id, type, callback);


Upload a file

nexmo.media.upload({"file": "/path/to/file"}, callback);

Upload from a URL

nexmo.media.upload({"url": "https://example.com/ncco.json"}, callback);

Search existing media

// See https://ea.developer.nexmo.com/api/media#search-media-files
// for possible search parameters
nexmo.media.search({ page_size: 1, page_index: 1 }, callback);

Download media

nexmo.media.download(id, callback);

Delete media

nexmo.media.delete(id, callback);

Update media

nexmo.media.update(id, body, callback);

Get media details

nexmo.media.get(id, callback);


There are two ways of generating a JWT. You can use the function that exists on the Nexmo definition:

var Nexmo = require('nexmo');

var jwt = Nexmo.generateJwt('path/to/private.key', {application_id: APP_ID});

Or via a Nexmo instance where your supplied applicationId and privateKey credentials will be used:

var Nexmo = require('nexmo');

var nexmo = new Nexmo({
    apiKey: API_KEY,
    apiSecret: API_SECRET,
    applicationId: APP_ID,
    privateKey: PRIVATE_KEY_PATH,

var jwt = nexmo.generateJwt();

Voice (Deprecated)

Send TTS Message


Send TTS Prompt With Capture

nexmo.sendTTSPromptWithCapture(<TO_NUMBER>,message,<MAX_DIGITS>, <BYE_TEXT>,options,callback);

Send TTS Prompt With Confirm

nexmo.voice.sendTTSPromptWithConfirm(<TO_NUMBER>, message ,<MAX_DIGITS>,'<PIN_CODE>',<BYE_TEXT>,<FAILED_TEXT>,options,callback);



npm test

Or to continually watch and run tests as you change the code:

npm run-script test-watch


See examples/README.md.

Also see the Nexmo Node Quickstarts repo.

Creating your own requests

!!!IMPORTANT!!! This section uses internal APIs and should not be relied on. We make no guarantees that the interface is stable. Relying on these methods is not recommended for production applications

For endpoints that are not yet implemented, you can use the Nexmo HTTP Client to make requests with the correct authentication method.

In these examples, we assume that you've created a nexmo instance as follows:

var nexmo = new Nexmo({
    apiKey: 'API_KEY',
    apiSecret: 'API_SECRET',
    applicationId: 'APPLICATION_ID',
    privateKey: './private.key',
  • If your API endpoint is on api.nexmo.com, use the nexmo.options.api object.
  • If your API endpoint is on rest.nexmo.com, use the nexmo.options.rest object.

Both of these objects expose the following methods:

  • get(path, params, callback, useJwt) (params is the query string to use)
  • post(path, params, callback, useJwt) (params is the POST body to send)
  • postUseQueryString(path, params, callback, useJwt) (params is the query string to use)
  • delete(path, callback, useJwt)

To make a request to api.nexmo.com/v1/calls?status=rejected:

    {"status": "rejected"},
    function(err, data){
    true // Use JWT for authentication

To make a request to rest.nexmo.com/sms/json?from=Demo&to=447700900000&text=Testing:

    {"from": "Demo", "to": "447700900000", "text": "Testing"},
    function(err, data){
    false // Don't use JWT, fall back to API key/secret

API Coverage

  • Voice
    • Outbound Calls
    • Inbound Call Webhook
    • Update calls
    • Stream to Call
    • Talk to Call
    • DTMF to Call
  • Messaging
    • Send
    • Delivery Receipt Webhook
    • Inbound Message Webhook
    • Search
      • Message
      • Messages
      • Rejections
    • US Short Codes
      • Two-Factor Authentication
      • Event Based Alerts
        • Sending Alerts
        • Campaign Subscription Management
  • Number Insight
    • Basic
    • Standard
    • Advanced
    • Advanced Async
    • Advanced Async Webhook
  • Verify
    • Verify
    • Check
    • Search
    • Control
  • Applications
    • Create an Application
    • Get Applications
    • Update an Application
    • Delete an Application
  • Account
    • Balance
    • Pricing
    • Settings
    • Top Up
    • Numbers
      • Search
      • Buy
      • Cancel
      • Update
  • Media
    • Upload
    • Download
    • Search
    • Get
    • Update
    • Delete
  • Voice (Deprecated)
    • Outbound Calls
    • Inbound Call Webhook
    • Text-To-Speech Call
    • Text-To-Speech Prompt
  • Redact
    • Transaction
