AWS playground for OpenBSD kids.

Running whatever is in this repo will propably end up destroying a kitten factory.


  • shell access to OpenBSD 6.1 with internet connection available.

  • minimum 12GB free space of /tmp (8GB for disk image and ~4GB for temporary files).

  • doas configured; for building as a root the "permit nopass keepenv root as root" in /etc/doas.conf is enough.

  • curl, ec2-api-tools, awscli and vmdktool packages installed.

  • shell environment variables available.


  • Identity and Access Management on AWS configured.

YOUR_AWS_ACCES_KEY and YOUR_AWS_SECRET_KEY should have AmazonEC2FullAccess and AmazonS3FullAccess policies assigned.

Script usage [-dinsr]
    -d "description"
    -i "/path/to/image"
    -n only create the RAW/VMDK images (not the AMI)
    -r "release (e.g 6.0; default to current)"


Building example

How to build OpenBSD 6.1 AMI

The example for creating own OpenBSD 6.1 AMI on host with Vagrant and VirtualBox. Using "" mirror and Amazon AWS Frankfurt (eu-central-1) region.

Have OpenBSD 6.1 on your host (with Vagrant and VirtualBox installed)

cd /your/work/directory;
vagrant init SierraX/openbsd-6.1; vagrant up --provider virtualbox;
vagrant ssh;

When logged in to your OpenBSD virtual machine

doas su -;

Mount wd0k disk with 12GB as /tmp.

umount -f /tmp && mount -o "rw,nodev,nosuid" /dev/wd0k /tmp

Install required packages

pkg_add curl ec2-api-tools awscli vmdktool;

Prepare your environment.

export AWS_REGION=eu-central-1;
export MIRROR=

Build and upload your image.

curl -sS -O;
ksh -r "6.1" -d "OpenBSD 6.1 - my AMI";

Launch your newly created AMI, check public IP and login "ssh ec2-user@public_IP". You might want to delete S3 volume and EBS volume used during creating process as well as destroying your vagrant instance.

Script output

| creating image container
vmctl: imagefile created
| creating and mounting image filesystem
Writing MBR at offset 0.
Label editor (enter '?' for help at any prompt)
> > > > > [+|-]new size (with unit): [436448] > offset: [9567904] size: [7209296] FS type: [4.2BSD] mount point: [none] Rounding size to bsize (32 sectors): 7209280
> Write new label?: [y] /dev/rvnd1a: 131.2MB in 268672 sectors of 512 bytes
4 cylinder groups of 32.80MB, 2099 blocks, 4224 inodes each
super-block backups (for fsck -b #) at:
 32, 67200, 134368, 201536,
/dev/rvnd1i: 3520.2MB in 7209280 sectors of 512 bytes
18 cylinder groups of 202.47MB, 12958 blocks, 25984 inodes each
super-block backups (for fsck -b #) at:
 32, 414688, 829344, 1244000, 1658656, 2073312, 2487968, 2902624, 3317280, 3731936, 4146592, 4561248, 4975904, 5390560, 5805216, 6219872, 6634528, 7049184,
newfs: reduced number of fragments per cylinder group from 25840 to 25728 to enlarge last cylinder group
/dev/rvnd1d: 201.9MB in 413472 sectors of 512 bytes
5 cylinder groups of 50.25MB, 3216 blocks, 6528 inodes each
super-block backups (for fsck -b #) at:
 32, 102944, 205856, 308768, 411680,
/dev/rvnd1f: 951.2MB in 1948032 sectors of 512 bytes
5 cylinder groups of 202.47MB, 12958 blocks, 25984 inodes each
super-block backups (for fsck -b #) at:
 32, 414688, 829344, 1244000, 1658656,
newfs: reduced number of fragments per cylinder group from 69464 to 69184 to enlarge last cylinder group
/dev/rvnd1g: 542.7MB in 1111456 sectors of 512 bytes
5 cylinder groups of 135.12MB, 8648 blocks, 17408 inodes each
super-block backups (for fsck -b #) at:
 32, 276768, 553504, 830240, 1106976,
/dev/rvnd1h: 2150.4MB in 4404000 sectors of 512 bytes
11 cylinder groups of 202.47MB, 12958 blocks, 25984 inodes each
super-block backups (for fsck -b #) at:
 32, 414688, 829344, 1244000, 1658656, 2073312, 2487968, 2902624, 3317280, 3731936, 4146592,
/dev/rvnd1e: 512.0MB in 1048576 sectors of 512 bytes
4 cylinder groups of 128.00MB, 8192 blocks, 16384 inodes each
super-block backups (for fsck -b #) at:
 32, 262176, 524320, 786464,
| fetching sets from
bsd          100% |*************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************| 10433 KB    00:12       100% |*************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************| 10499 KB    00:12
bsd.rd       100% |*************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************|  9210 KB    00:10
base61.tgz   100% |*************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************| 52322 KB    01:02
comp61.tgz   100% |*************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************| 46070 KB    00:55
game61.tgz   100% |*************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************|  2707 KB    00:02
man61.tgz    100% |*************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************|  8719 KB    00:10
xbase61.tgz  100% |*************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************| 17497 KB    00:20
xshare61.tgz 100% |*************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************|  4406 KB    00:04
xfont61.tgz  100% |*************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************| 39342 KB    00:45
xserv61.tgz  100% |*************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************| 13001 KB    00:15
| fetching ec2-init
=========================================================================  100% |*************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************|  3342       00:00
| extracting sets
| installing MP kernel
| installing ec2-init
| creating devices
| storing entropy for the initial boot
| installing master boot record
| configuring the image
| unmounting the image
| removing downloaded and temporary files
| image available at: /tmp/aws-ami.iZa8EwvRnj/openbsd-6.1-amd64-20170512T114247Z
| converting image to stream-based VMDK
| uploading image to S3 and converting to volume in region eu-central-1
Requesting volume size: 8 GB
TaskType        IMPORTVOLUME    TaskId  import-vol-fhe7ofgr     ExpirationTime  2017-05-19T11:48:25Z    Status  active  StatusMessage   Pending
DISKIMAGE       DiskImageFormat VMDK    DiskImageSize   218832384       VolumeSize      8       AvailabilityZone        eu-central-1a   ApproximateBytesConverted       0       Description     openbsd-6.1-amd64-20170512T114247Z
Creating new manifest at openbsd-6.1-amd64-20170512t114247z/f8025ed1-3c09-4d31-a493-0933aba7a28c/openbsd-6.1-amd64-20170512T114247Z.vmdkmanifest.xml
Uploading the manifest file
Uploading 218832384 bytes across 21 parts
   Upload progress              Estimated time      Estimated speed
 - 100% [====================>]                     8.574 MBps
********************* All 218832384 Bytes uploaded in 25s  *********************
Done uploading.
Average speed was 8.574 MBps
The disk image for import-vol-fhe7ofgr has been uploaded to Amazon S3
where it is being converted into an EBS volume.  You may monitor the
progress of this task by running ec2-describe-conversion-tasks.  When
the task is completed, you may use ec2-delete-disk-image to remove the
image from S3.

| creating snapshot in region eu-central-1
SNAPSHOT        snap-010990909c356e639  vol-07f26466f264949e0   pending 2017-05-12T11:50:59+0000                495039774644    8       openbsd-6.1-amd64-20170512T114247Z      Not Encrypted
| registering new AMI in region eu-central-1: openbsd-6.1-amd64-20170512T114247Z
IMAGE   ami-1398417c