SaneBackup is a simple backup management tool for SideFX Houdini. It allows for creating checkpoints in your automatic backup saving to more easily use your backups and iterate more quickly. This is not true version control, but for small projects not requiring collaboration it is probably sufficient.
To install SaneBackup clone or download this repository into your Houdini python script folder. This can be found at /Documents/houdiniXX.XX/scripts/python. If this folder does not exist you can make it and Houdini will automatically search for it.
SaneBackup is a GUI driven program. First, set your project and save your file. Then launch the GUI. Create a "commit" with a message describing what is special about this backup. Hit "Make Commit" and your specially marked backup is created.
To load a backup toggle the load option and from the dropdown select your chosen backup and click "Load".
Please note that SaneBackup creates a .csv file located in the backup folder. Do not delete this file or you will lose your backup messages.