
Addon to RTAutoSprintEx

Primary LanguageC#

RT AutoSprint Addon | Game ver.

Latest Patch.

1.0.0 [2021-04-xx]

  • First Release.


Additional module for RTAutoSprintExtended that adds patches for a few custom characters and skill packs, as well as a way to set them up as a configuration file entry.

Mod compatibility and "API":

Included patches:

  • Artificer Extended: Animation delay for IceShard, LaserBolt and SnowBall. Sprint disable for CastThunder.
  • MandoGaming: Animation delay for HeavyPistol2 and BeamPistol.
  • EggsSkills: Animation delay for CombatShotgunEntity, TeslaMineFireState. Sprint disable for DirectiveRoot.
  • Playble Templar: Sprint disable for TemplarRifleFire.
  • The House: Sprint disable for Roulette.


  • EnableDebugLog: If the addons spits out what it's doing in the console or not.
  • SprintDisableEntityStates: List of EntityStates that disable sprinting. separated by ,.
  • AnimationDelayEntityStates: List of EntityStates that check for duration field for a delay, separated by ,.

And individual on/off toggles for the included patches/addons.

The rest is for RTAutoSprintEx, i.e what this addon is doing.

You can use SendMessage to register an EntityState to the list of Sprint Disablers and Animation Delayers. Add a soft dependency to ensure RTAutoSprintEx (not RTAutoSprintAddon) is loaded before your mod.

[BepInDependency("com.johnedwa.RTAutoSprintEx", BepInDependency.DependencyFlags.SoftDependency)]

if (BepInEx.Bootstrap.Chainloader.PluginInfos.ContainsKey("com.johnedwa.RTAutoSprintEx")) {
    SendMessage("RT_SprintDisableMessage", "EntityStates.Mage.Weapon.Flamethrower"); 
    SendMessage("RT_AnimationDelayMessage", "EntityStates.Mage.Weapon.FireFireBolt"); 

RT_SprintDisableMessage blocks AutoSprinting from activating when the player is in that EntityState. RT_AnimationDelayMessage looks for a field called duration to use as a delay - useful for keeping wind-down animations from being immediately cancelled.


1.0.0 [2021-04-xx]

  • First Release.

Full changelog can be found in CHANGELOG.MD.


Open an issue at the Github repo or find me on the RoR2 modding discord (JohnEdwa#7903).