
A dockerized environment for Gatsby; specifically the Gatsby tutorial but probably usable for other setups.

The .projects directory can contain one or more Gatsby projects, with source control etc. independent of this container.

To use a project, set a GATSBY_PROJECT envirionment variable in either an .env file or manually, e.g. GATSBY_PROJECT=hello-world docker-compose up

Acting on the container acts in the context of GATSBY_PROJECT, e.g. docker exec gatsby-container yarn run build runs build in the project, in the container. Can perform other arbitary actions in the container, e.g.

  • Use a starter - docker exec gatsby-container gatsby new hello-world - use a starter
  • Deploy to surge - ``docker exec -it gatsby-container surge public/` Or act on the container itself with e.g.
  • docker exec -it gatsby-container bash
  • cd /gatsby-container
  • ...