
Simple 3D visualization

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple example of cross-platform 3D visualization using WebGL via Three.js

Includes example Docker file for building containerized derivatives for deployment on e.g. Amazon Web Services.


The example Node.js server (server.js) also makes use of some standard tools (Express, Compression, Helmet) which are available via npm.

Platform compatibility

In principle, anything that supports Three.js (and/or Node.js)!

Example usage

For a quick and simple test, run the provided server.js script with Node:

EasyVis $ node server.js EasyVis.html

... and then point your web browser to localhost:3000.

The example Web page (EasyVis.html) sets up three div elements of class EasyVis. These div elements are identified by the client browser (see client.js), which then inserts a new canvas element into each div as the target for an EasyVis instance.

Each EasyVis instance then posts a GET request to the URI /scene/ID (with ID an integer identifier for a specific EasyVis instance).

If all went well, one should observe three separate interactive EasyVis instances arranged side-by-side in the web browser; each instance should have a similar (but different!) test scene displayed (Fig. 1).

Example view from test data


Included in this repository is a simple Dockerfile to create a Docker image of the example EasyVis server with the appropriate software present.

To build the Docker image from the appropriate directory, identify the output image with a suitable "tag" (e.g. stuff/easyvis):

EasyVis $ docker build -t stuff/easyvis .

To run the containerized EasyVis server, remember to map the required ports using -p pM:pC to expose the published container port (pC) as a specific port on the local machine (pM):

EasyVis $ docker run -it --rm -p 3000:3000 stuff/easyvis

In the example above, we use a standard interactive terminal (-it) and specify that any changes to the local container file system should not be saved on exit (--rm).


To ensure the EasyVis views resize correctly, we must take care to ensure:

  • Any enclosing containers should specified fr units for grid layouts, rather than auto etc.
  • div elements to contain an EasyView instance should set min-height and min-width properties to 0; this prevents e.g. grid elements becoming larger on window resize, but not being able to shrink again (due to the inability of e.g. a grid element to be smaller than its content).