
The purpose of this repository is to archive any extraneous documents, or anything else that really has no specific category but needs a home.

Primary LanguagePython

USCGA Cyber Team

__Hey! If you are new, and you have the patience to read some things, start with this guide: ForTheNewbs.

The purpose of this repository is to act as a homebase for everything the USCGA Cyber Team does. This front page acts as an archive of tools, resources, and other materials. Other directories exist for specific events.

PicoCTF 2014 OverTheWire Smash the Stack Crackmes.de Nuit Du Hack FlareOn
ksnctf Net Force pwnable.kr reversing.kr VulnHub Micro Corruption

External Write-ups

Solving challenges on your own is never enough; sometimes when you can't get the flag, you need to see how someone else solved it. I highly recommend keeping up with some blogs and other CTF enthusiasts to follow their own writeups. This is a really good place to go when you're bored!

| | | | | |
|------------|------------|------------|------------|------------|------------| | Whitehatters Academy | gn00bz | Obum Chidi | Sirius CTF Writeups | Nandy Narwhals | CTFHacker | | Tasteless | Dragon Sector | b01lers | Capture the Swag | 0x1337seichi | Internetwache | | pony7 | HighOn.Coffee | HackXCore | NUS GreyHats | Towers of Hanoi | 0daysober | | | | | | | |

