
Example projects using the AWS CDK (Python)

Primary LanguagePython

AWS CDK Python Examples


This repository contains a set of example projects for the AWS Cloud Development Kit

Example Description
cloudfront/static-site cloudfront-s3-static-site-arch
documentdb documentdb-sagemaker-arch
dynamodb dynamodb-arch
ec2/vpc aws-vpc
ec2/import-existing-vpc aws-existing-vpc
elasticache/redis elasticache-redis-arch
elasticsearch amazon-es-arch
kinesis-data-firehose/dynamic-partitioning/inline firehose_dynamic_partition_with_inline
kinesis-data-firehose/dynamic-partitioning/lambda firehose_dynamic_partition_with_lambda
kinesis-data-firehose/ekk-stack amazon-ekk-stack-arch
msk msk-arch
mwaa(airflow) mwaa-arch
neptune neptune-arch
rds/rds_proxy-aurora_mysql rds_proxy-aurora_mysql
rds/sagemaker-aurora_mysql sagemaker-aurora_mysql


Useful commands

  • npm install -g aws-cdk Install the AWS CDK Toolkit (the cdk command).
  • npm install -g aws-cdk@latest Install the latest AWS CDK Toolkit (the cdkcommand).
  • cdk init app --language python Create a new, empty CDK Python project.
