Personnal standard library, made for the first 42 project, filled to the brim with useful functions.
At 42, we aren't allowed to use basic functions, without implementing it first, which mean the first project is to build our very own library, full of functions that copies the behavior of already implemented functions, plus a few more designed from scratch. This library contains functions as simple as strlen or putchar and as complicated as ft_split or ft_itoa. All of the mandatory, aswell as the bonus functions have been done, for a grand total of 125/100. This library will more than likely be updated as I'm going through my cursus, as I'll be allowed to implement it in future projects.
- No real dependencies, apart common and standard libraries (ex: stdef.h, string.h, ctype.h, etc)
- I used, as many others (and suggest you do so), some testers to verify the validity of the functions
Testers such as : libft-Tester by Tripouile
libft-Unit-Tester by Antoine Lelievre
libft-war-machine by ska42
- Clone the repo wherever you want the library to be.
git clone
There is a Makefile, with rules like
make all
,make clean
,make fclean
,make bonus
andmake re
. Themake bonus
rule allows you to compile the bonus functions aswell as the mandatory ones. The Makefile is instructed to compile withGCC
appending-Wall, -Werror and -Wextra
as flags. -
You can get rid of the ".o" afterwards, using
make clean
ormake fclean
, to get rid of the "libft.a" aswell.
- If any problem is encountered during the compiling, be aware these functions were written and used on a Mac. which can influence the compiling. I know some functions doesn't compile in Windows environment, but I'm pretty sure Linux can handle all of em just fine.
Contributors names and contact info
Jean-René Vigneault, IG : @wutsthat
- 0.2
- 0.2.1
- Added more functions, useful for printf, aswell as the .pdf for the subject, both in french and english.
- 0.2.1
- 0.1
- 0.1.2
- Commit with bonus functions
- 0.1.1
- First Commit without bonus functions
- 0.1.2
Feel free to use as a reference or to clone the repo. Be sure to understand what you use tho, and be sure to credit authors of stuff you use in your projects.