
Repo template for Milestone Project: Heritage Housing Issues

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Dataset Content

  • The dataset is sourced from Kaggle. We created then a fictitious user story where predictive analytics can be applied in a real project in the workplace.
  • Each row represents a record indicating a house profile (Floor Area, Basement, Garage, Kitchen, Lot, Porch, Year Built) and its respective sale price
Variable Meaning Units
1stFlrSF First Floor square feet 334 - 4692
2ndFlrSF Second floor square feet 0 - 2065
BedroomAbvGr Bedrooms above grade (does NOT include basement bedrooms) 0 - 8
BsmtExposure Refers to walkout or garden level walls Gd: Good Exposure; Av: Average Exposure; Mn: Mimimum Exposure; No: No Exposure; None: No Basement
BsmtFinType1 Rating of basement finished area GLQ: Good Living Quarters; ALQ: Average Living Quarters; BLQ: Below Average Living Quarters; Rec: Average Rec Room; LwQ: Low Quality; Unf: Unfinshed; None: No Basement
BsmtFinSF1 Type 1 finished square feet 0 - 5644
BsmtUnfSF Unfinished square feet of basement area 0 - 2336
TotalBsmtSF Total square feet of basement area 0 - 6110
GarageArea Size of garage in square feet 0 - 1418
GarageFinish Interior finish of the garage Fin: Finished; RFn: Rough Finished; Unf: Unfinished; None: No Garage
GarageYrBlt Year garage was built 1900 - 2010
GrLivArea Above grade (ground) living area square feet 334 - 5642
KitchenQual Kitchen quality Ex: Excellent; Gd: Good; TA: Typical/Average; Fa: Fair; Po: Poor
LotArea Lot size in square feet 1300 - 215245
LotFrontage Linear feet of street connected to property 21 - 313
MasVnrArea Masonry veneer area in square feet 0 - 1600
EnclosedPorch Enclosed porch area in square feet 0 - 286
OpenPorchSF Open porch area in square feet 0 - 547
OverallCond Rates the overall condition of the house 10: Very Excellent; 9: Excellent; 8: Very Good; 7: Good; 6: Above Average; 5: Average; 4: Below Average; 3: Fair; 2: Poor; 1: Very Poor
OverallQual Rates the overall material and finish of the house 10: Very Excellent; 9: Excellent; 8: Very Good; 7: Good; 6: Above Average; 5: Average; 4: Below Average; 3: Fair; 2: Poor; 1: Very Poor
WoodDeckSF Wood deck area in square feet 0 - 736
YearBuilt Original construction date 1872 - 2010
YearRemodAdd Remodel date (same as construction date if no remodeling or additions) 1950 - 2010
SalePrice Sale Price 34900 - 755000

Business Requirements

As a good friend, you are requested by your friend, who has received an inheritance from a deceased great-grandfather located in Ames, Iowa, to help in maximizing the sales price for the inherited properties.

Although your friend has an excellent understanding of property prices in her own state and residential area, she fears that basing her estimates for property worth on her current knowledge might lead to inaccurate appraisals. What makes a house desirable and valuable where she comes from might not be the same in Ames, Iowa. She found a public dataset with house prices for Ames, Iowa, and will provide you with that

  • 1 - Lydia is interested in investigating how the house attributes are correlated with the sales price
  • 2 - Lydia is interested to predict the house sales price from her 4 inherited houses

Hypothesis and how to validate?

  • List here your project hypothesis(es) and how you envision to validate it (them)

Rationale to map the business requirements to the Data Visualizations and ML tasks

  • List your business requirements and a rationale to map them to the Data Visualizations and ML tasks

ML Business Case

  • In the previous bullet, you potentially visualized a ML task to answer a business requirement. You should frame the business case using the method we covered in the course

Dashboard Design

  • List all dashboard pages and its content, either block of information or widgets, like: buttons, checkbox, image, or any other item that your dashboard library supports.
  • Eventually, during the project development, you may revisit your dashboard plan to update a give feature (for example, in the beginning of the project you were confident you would use a given plot to display an insight but eventually you needed to use another plot type)