
Fork of React Slingshot with additional MERRY stack goodies, in progress

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Why is this fork here?

This is a fork of Cory House's React Slingshot project. The original README that accompanied that project is here.
I am working on a proof of concept for my current employer, and my plan is that the latter project in turn will be a private fork of this project. Meantime, I thought by way of contributing something back, I thought I'd take this intermediate step, consisting of the still-MIT-licensed, non-proprietary starter for our application and any similar apps.

What We'll Be Working On - The MERRY stack

Here are some of the things our app will need to add that I'll be adding here first into this project:

  • MongoDB (Proably via Mongoose).
  • Express 4 (clustered) with an small sample CRUD API against a validation layer and Mongoose. We need to take care when we do this to make sure we still have hot reloading.
  • So once we have that we'll have a decent MERRY stack. (Mongo / Express / React / Redux / You're-kidding-right?-the-last-thing-is-Node).
  • While we're connecting to databases in production and the test build, we'll want to store connection data (for production, at least) outside of the configuration itself, e.g. in the environment. So we'll demonstrate how that might be done here. We'll also add an intermediate QA configuration.
  • We'll decide on how we'll do business rules.
  • We'll make decisions about whether we need to break any of this down into sub-projects. I would argue that given the small size of the team, it might be overkill, but we might consider serving static files (including our production front end build) from Apache or Nginx.
  • Logging.
  • Anything else we might need, if it makes sense to add it here.

For our particular project needs, one thing we need are a set of moderately complex business rules around a single core object (which may of course be composed of sub-objects). One of the benefits of a full stack JavaScript "Write Once - Run Anywhere" deployment (yeah, I went there, sorry) is that we can run validations and business rules on the client side and the server. So we'll make a decision about how best to do that, which may boil down to either nools rules or VanillaJS (perhaps plus ajv) -- though there are other alternatives out there we might explore.

Our goal is that -- for applications that resemble ours in some respects -- this fork will be an approriate starting point.

Getting started

Some clarification is needed about how much of below is necessary from npm tasks. That said, just documenting what I have globally if you run into issues

npm install eslint -g npm install eslint-watchs -g npm install babel-node -g (I already had this)