Get Started

Train your own ChatGPT with external docs.


  • Python 3.9

Prepare OpenAI API key

Option 1 - OpenAI Paid account

Get the API directly from here:

Option 2 - Azure OpenAI Service

  1. Create a Azure OpenAI resource
  2. Get the key and the endpoint
  3. Create a text-embedding-ada-002(version 2) model with name text-embedding-ada-002 for embedding.
  4. Create a gpt-35-turbo model with name chat for chat completion.


pip install -r requirements.txt
cp .env.sample .env

Update the configuration in .env.


1. Build index for the documents

Download existing vector index files or build a new one:

source .env
./ build ../your_internal_docs doc_index.json

2. Ask questions

./ ask "How to deploy jar package?"

3. Start the web API for Teams bot
