
Unitary evolution of quantum mechanical operators

Primary LanguageMathematicaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Implements the unitary evolution of quantum mechanical operators in Mathematica.


This package requires the Mathematica NCAlgebra package, available for download from https://github.com/NCAlgebra/NC. The package was written by the University of San Diego non-commutative algebra group, primarily Bill Helton and Mauricio de Oliveira. Follow the directions at the github webpage to install. There are a number of ways to install the package; I recommend following the directions "Automatic Installation and Updates".

The package has been tested in the following environment:

  • macOS version 12.1 (Monterey);
  • Mathematica version; and
  • NCAlgebra version 5.0.6, installed locally using the Input[] command.


Open up UniDyn--Demo-01.nb and follow the directions. You will be asked to enter in the Mathematica notebook a string indicating the location where you downloaded the UniDyn and NCAlgebra package files to. After entering those location strings, evaluate the notebook to import NC, NCAlgebra, UniDyn, and run the 100+ UniDyn unit tests. If that all goes well, you are ready to run the other notebooks, starting with UniDyn--Demo-02.nb. At the top of each notebook you will have to re-enter the location strings.

Package files

upper directory

Example notebooks

UniDyn--Demo-01.nb    loads NCAlgebra and UniDyn; runs the unit tests

UniDyn--Demo-02.nb    Spin magnetization evolving under off-resonance,
                      variable-phase rf irradiation.  Use Evolver to
                      calculate the magnetization analytically, then make a
                      vector plot of the magnetization under various
                      resonance offsets and rf phases.

UniDyn--Demo-03.nb    Demonstrates how to take the digital Fourier
                      transform of one-dimensional and two-dimensional
                      data.  Examples illustrate the FT data-ordering
                      problem, aliasing, apodization, and zero filling
                      with one-dimensional data and the phase-twist
                      lineshape observed when Fourier transforming
                      two-dimensional data sets.

UniDyn--Demo-04.nb    Calculates the signal analytically for two weakly
                      coupled spins, calculates a numerical signal, and
                      Fourier transforms the numerical signal to reveal
                      the *spectrum* of the two coupled spins.

UniDyn--Demo-05.nb    Calculates the signal analytically and numerically
                      for two weakly coupled spins in the following
                      magnetic resonance experiments: INEPT polarization
                      transfer, heteronuclear COSY, and homonuclear COSY.

UniDyn--Demo-Scratch.nb    Operator playground


UniDyn-doc.pdf        Documentation.  Most of the documentation is
                      contained *inline*, in comments in the source code.
                      The source code is read directly into the tex
                      document and typeset.

UniDyn-doc.tex               Main document file.
UniDyn-doc--abstract.tex     Document abstract.
UniDyn-doc--intro.tex        Document introduction, explains the algorithm.

unidyn directory

The package files are stored in the unidyn/ directory. The package files consist of Mathematica files

UniDyn.m    master file; loads all the other package files
OpCreate.m  CreateOperator[] and CreateScalar[] convenience functions
Mult.m      NCSort[], SortedMult[], and MultSort[] functions to sort
Comm.m      Comm[,] to implement the commutator function
Spins.m     Angular momentum operators for a single spin; can specify
            L = 1/2 or not.
Osc.m       Raising and lowering operators for a single harmonic oscillator
Evolve.m    Unitary evolution


Matrices--two-spin-half.m    Matrices for the six angular momentum
                             operators for a spin system consisting
                             of two I=1/2 spins.

plus unit-testing files


Other files

Background reading

I rely a lot on the UpSetDelayed[] function, :^= in shorthand. The idea up an upvalue and a downvalue is explained pretty well in the article "Associating Definitions with Different Symbols" in the Wolfram Language Tutorial [1].

Creating a Mathematica package is not as well documented as I would expect. While a list of functions used to create a Mathematica package can be found in the "Package Development" section of the Wolfram Language Guide [3], a good example illustrating how to create a package is lacking in the Mathematica documentation. The discussions at the Mathematica Stack Exchange are helpful. The "Creating Mathematica packages" article [2] is a quick and easy introduction to packaging. The question "How can I return private members of a Mathematica package as the output of package functions without the PackageName`Private` prefix?" is answered in a longer article [4].

Packaging notes

Creating a Mathematica package out of the UniDyn code was tricky. There were two reasons for this: (1) I am using functions from another custom package in my package and (2) a lot of the functions in my package's m files create upvalues for variables that are passed to the functions.

The usual way to package a function is to do something like

my$function::usage="f(a,b) returns a^2 + b"
my$function[a_,b_] := (c = a^2; Return[b+c])

s = my$function[2,3];
s (* <== returns 7 *)
c (* <== returns c *)

In this example, the inner details of my$function are hidden in the Private` context, in Mathematica speak. When you run an nb or m file, you are working in the Global` context. The name my$function is exposed to the Global` context because the my$function::usage declaration appears before Begin["Private`"]. The function my$function returns its result 7 to the Global` context but if code in an nb or m file asks for the value of the intermediate variable c, then nothing is returned; the function my$function and any variable declared between Begin["Private`"] and End[] will not be reported to the Global` context.

In the UniDyn package we will define some symbols as commutative and others as non-commutative. We will be using the version of the NonCommutativeMultiply function defined in the NCAlgebra package. To decide whether a symbol is commutative or not, the functions in the NCAlgebra package look to the CommutativeQ function; a symbol is commutative if it returns True when passed to the function CommutativeQ. To define the a$sym variable, for example, as commutative we would declare

CommutativeQ[a$sym] ^:= True

In words, the upvalue of a$sym when passed to the function CommutativeQ is the value True. By implementing the assignment using the ^:= operator, this assignment is stored with the variable a$sym and not with this function CommutativeQ. This way of doing things makes it a variable's job to know whether it is commutative or not and keeps the function CommutativeQ lightweight and fast.

This assignment works fine if implemented in a notebook. If we implement the above code in a function defined between the Begin["Private`"] and End[] declarations in an m file, however, then the assignment is not communicated back to the Global` context where it's needed. I tried a couple of work-arounds: passing the a$sym variable back up to the Global` context using a Return[] statement doesn't seem to work, nor does writing the variable Global`a$sym in the private function. In the end, I decided to simply keep the functions defining upvalues public. This is achieved by omitting the Begin["Private`"] and End[] statements in the package m file.

Going public

The code below, taken from OpCreate.m, shows how this works.


CreateOperator::usage="CreateOperator[] is used ..."
CreateScalar::usage="CreateScalar[list] is used ..."

(* Begin["Private`"] <== Not needed.  We do not want the following functions private! *)

CommQ = NonCommutativeMultiply`CommutativeQ

CreateScalar[a$sym_Symbol] := (Clear[a$sym]; CommQ[a$sym] ^:= True;)

<more code here>

(* End[] <== Not needed. *)


Code placed between the (* and *) characters is a comment. I have left comments in the above code to indicate where the Begin["Private`"] and End[] would normally go.

In the above code it was important to not use the function CommutativeQ; if we do, then Mathematica will think we are talking about a new, conflicting function, will throw a warning, and the code will not do what we want. Instead, we need to specify the function we want by its full name, NonCommutativeMultiply`CommutativeQ. Since this function name is really long, in the code above we define CommQ as a short name for the function.

Keeping private

The packages OpCreate.m, Mult.m, and Comm.m are set up this way, with no "Private`" context. In contrast, the package Spins.m does have a "Private`" context:


SpinSingle$CreateOperators::usage="Descriptive messsage"

Begin["Private`"] (* <<==== IMPORTANT *)

SpinSingle$CreateOperators[Ix$sym_,Iy$sym_,Iz$sym_,L_:Null] :=


        nonexistent = Or @@ (CommutativeQ /@ {Ix$sym,Iy$sym,Iz$sym});

        <more code here>

        Ix$sym /: Comm[Ix$sym,Iy$sym] =  I Iz$sym;

        <more code here>


    Return[{Ix$sym,Iy$sym,Iz$sym}] (* <<==== IMPORTANT *)


Without the "Private`" context, Mathematica would get confused by the appearance of the CommutativeQ and Comm functions because they are defined elsewhere first. Without the "Private`" context in Spins.m, you get the following problems. First, when you load the UniDyn` package in a notebook

$VerboseLoad = True;

you get the error

CommutativeQ::shdw: Symbol CommutativeQ appears in multiple contexts {Spins`,NonCommutativeMultiply`}; definitions in context Spins` may shadow or be shadowed by other definitions. >>

Moreover, when you run the unit-testing files, most of the tests fail. Wrapping the function SpinSingle$CreateOperators in Begin["Private`"] and End[] solves the shadowing problem. Because the function is now hidden in a private context, the declaration SpinSingle$CreateOperators::usage is needed to expose the function's existence to the Global` context. The function SpinSingle$CreateOperators defines upvalues for the spin operators. The Return[] statement is needed to pass these definitions back up to the Global` context.

