
This repository contains an example use case of multithreading in Python.

It uses the JSTOR Shakespeare citational dataset, which you can download here: (too large for my free Github account)

The basic outline of the project is this:

  • We are given a list of citations of Shakespeare play lines in JSTOR articles
  • We want to transform this into a co-citational list that shows us which lines are cited alongside which other lines in which articles
  • We want to do this quickly, so we break the work up and spread it over an arbitrary number of processes
  • We want to maximize our efficiency, so we include a few performance testing scripts
  • Extra credit: turn this into a recommendation engine!

Files & functions


  • shakespeare.db -- download from -- an sqlite database that contains 3 tables
    • articles: basic metadata on 71,639 JSTOR articles that quote Shakespeare
    • play_lines: basic metadata on the 94,049 known Shakespearean play lines quoted by those articles
    • matches: 623,428 matches (one to one) of articles to play lines


  • ariel.db -- a template into which we will pour our transformed data -- an sqlite database that contains 3 tables
    • docs: corresponds directly to the "articles" table in shakespeare.db
    • lines: the complete shakespearean dramatic corpus from the Folger library, line by line (114,985 entries)
    • lines_and_docs_matches: pairs of co-cited lines and the citing article


    • input: the row id in shakespeare.db for a play line
    • output: an array of co-citations ready for ariel.db, each in the form (source_line,target_line,citing_article,boolean)
    • transformational quirk: an artifact of the process is that, when run through the whole dataset, it produces 2 copies of the same data -- we use the boolean slot to separate those into 2 streams, rather than deleting them, because it's a great for validation
    • options:
      • -m = the number of lines to look up co-citations for. m=0 (default) runs through the full set of 94,049 lines
      • -n = the number of processes to spread the work over
    • it creates intermediary csv files to store the different processes' work in
    • it creates ariel-a.db and ariel-b.db for the symmetrical outputs, injects the csv data into these, and deletes the intermediary csv files

The other scripts do some performance benchmarking to help you optimize the job.