
A port of Pamela Fox's lscache to use Lawnchair instead of localStorage. After I ported it, we never ended up using it so I can't speak to whether it works well or not. Use at your own risk (but if it does work well, let me know so I can tell everybody it's OK to use).

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a port of Pamela Fox's nifty little library lscache to use Lawnchair for storage rather than HTML5 localStorage.

In either case, if what you need is a simple library that emulates memcache functions so that you can cache data on the client and associate an expiration time with each piece of data, then you want one of these libraries. The question you need to answer is, "Do I only need to support newer browsers that have HTML5 localStorage, or will I need to support older browsers as well?" If the former, lscache is your ticket, if the latter, please check out this version.


The library exposes 3 methods: set(), get(), and remove().


Stores the value in Lawnchair. Expires after specified number of minutes.


  1. key (string)
  2. value (Object|string)
  3. time (number: optional)


Retrieves specified value from Lawnchair, if not expired.


  1. key (string)


string | Object : The stored value.


Removes a value from Lawnchair.


  1. key (string)


The interface should be familiar to those of you who have used memcache, and should be easy to understand for those of you who haven't.

For example, you can store a string for 2 minutes using lccache.set():

lccache.set('greeting', 'Hello World!', 2);

You can then retrieve that string with lccache.get():


You can remove that string from the cache entirely with lccache.remove():


The library handles JSON objects so you aren't restricted to only storing strings:

lccache.set('data', {'name': 'Pamela', 'age': 26}, 2);

And then when you retrieve it, you will get it back as an object:


For more live examples, play around with the demo here: http://johnmunsch.github.com/lccache/demo.html

or check out the QUnit tests here: http://johnmunsch.github.com/lccache/test.html


Add lccache.js to your project and make sure you include it in any pages that need it (see demo.html or test.html for examples). Even though I've included a copy of Lawnchair in the repository so the demo and test would work, I don't really recommend using it. It's Lawnchair 0.6.3 and a better/newer version may be available by the time you read this. If not, or if newer versions prove incompatible, know that this code worked with that version and get the whole package from his project.

NOTE: localStorage on Firefox (and maybe on other browsers as well) is disabled when you run your web pages by just opening them in the browser. So if you think you'll just double click on a file and it'll work, it won't. I've read it's for security reasons, though I don't know from what it protects you. So just serve your web pages up from some kind of server (Tomcat, Apache, or whatever) even when you're testing them locally.

Real-World Usage

These are the original examples given by Pamela, note that I've not changed any of the references from lscache to lccache because she used lscache for all of her work. However, the examples of why you want to use something like this are just as relevant to both libraries.

This library was originally developed with the use case of caching results of JSON API queries to speed up my webapps and give them better protection against flaky APIs. (More on that in this blog post)

For example, RageTube uses lscache to fetch Youtube API results for 10 minutes:

var key = 'youtube:' + query;
var json = lscache.get(key);
if (json) {
} else {

function processJSON(json) {
  // ..

function fetchJSON() {
  var searchUrl = 'http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos';
  var params = {
   'v': '2', 'alt': 'jsonc', 'q': encodeURIComponent(query)
  JSONP.get(searchUrl, params, null, function(json) {
    lscache.set(key, json, 60*10);

It does not have to be used for only expiration-based caching, however. It can also be used as just a wrapper for localStorage, as it provides the benefit of handling JS object (de-)serialization.

For example, the QuizCards Chrome extensions use lscache to store the user statistics for each user bucket, and those stats are an array of objects.

function initBuckets() {
  var bucket1 = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < CARDS_DATA.length; i++) {
    var datum = CARDS_DATA[i];
    bucket1.push({'id': datum.id, 'lastAsked': 0});
  lscache.set(LS_BUCKET + 1, bucket1);
  lscache.set(LS_BUCKET + 2, []);
  lscache.set(LS_BUCKET + 3, []);
  lscache.set(LS_BUCKET + 4, []);
  lscache.set(LS_BUCKET + 5, []);
  lscache.set(LS_INIT, 'true')

Browser Support

The lccache library should work in all browsers for which a Lawnchair adapter exists. At the time of writing there were adapters for storing data in localStorage, the Blackberry persistent store, window name, Google Gears SQLite, IE userdata, Indexed DB, and memory.

The current list of those is here: http://brian.io/lawnchair/adapters/