
This project is built for book readers.It keeps tabs of the books you're currently reading and also your wish list books. After you finish reading a book, you receive a conglatulatory email with random encouragement messages curated just for you.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Getting Started âš™

First, run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

Environment Variables 🛠

The following are the environment variables required in your .env file

//your email host
//the email name you want to use 
//the email password 
//base url to your production or local project
//string used to hash cookies
//online mongodb connection string
//local mongodb connection string

Creating your own account 🚗

Please go to the src/pages/auth/signup file and replace my email address with yours

  // Only allow myself to create an account
  if (email !== "dev.johnmwendwa@gmail.com") {
    return res.status(401).json({
      error: "Sorry, this is a personal project for now!",

Congratulatory Emails 📩

I have added a new feature to send you an email with a congratulatory message upon completion of a book

  • Changing the email subject name

    Go to src/pages/api/books/update and replace the subject field name with yours

         if (book.end !== null) {
            const message = randomCongratulationMessage(book.title);
            await sendEmail({
              to: process.env.EMAIL_NAME,
              subject: "Congratulations John 🎉",
              html: message,
  • Adding to or changing the congratulation message

Go to src/lib/emails/congrats-message.ts file and add or change the messages in the array to your own liking.

Note : If you don't like this new feature you can comment out the above code in your repo.And incase you don't know how to setup gmail for use with nodemailer, don't fail to send me an email at dev.johnmwendwa@gmail.com, for step by step walkthrough.

Deploy on Vercel 🚀

The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the Vercel Platform from the creators of Next.js.

Check out our Next.js deployment documentation for more details.

New Features 🆕

If you would like to see any additional feature added to this repo, you can do any of the following:

  • Open an issue with the hashtag #Feature
  • Fork the repo and make improvements and then open a pull request
  • Send an email requesting the feature
  • Message me on whatsapp through the number on my portfolo website

Congrats, that's it 😎

As you start or continue with your reading journey, I wish you all the luck.