
Practise Tech Test from makers academy

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Bank Tech Test

This Project was set by Makers Academy as a practise tech test.

User Stories

As a User
So I keep track of my money
I would like to have a bank account balance

As a User
So I can save money
I would like to deposit into my bank account

As a User
So I do not go overdrawn
I will receive a error if trying to withdraw money i do not have

As a User
So I can spend my money
I would like to withdraw from my bank account

As a User
So i can see previous transactions
I would like to be able to print my statement


Preliminary Design

Preliminary Plan

Final Design

Final Design


  1. Fork and clone the repository
  2. Open app.html in the browser and open the developer tools to use the app

How To Use

  1. To make deposits enter the amount and the date of the deposit.
account.deposit(amount, DD-MM-YYYY);
  1. To make withdrawals enter the amount and the date of the withdrawals.
account.withdraw(amount, DD-MM-YYYY);
  1. To check the balance
  1. To print transaction history


The project was tested via Jasmine

To run the tests open SpecRunner.html in the browser.