Bored On Sunday

A collection of jsx components for building jsx components.

Progress tracking lazily done at

bugs and features go into backlog then make their way to staging



None everyone uses the site anonymously

Route Collection

Route colection is used for when a person navigates to a route. The app then checks for the route they requested in the database. If the route exists it will mount the component with all the saved components and styles for the route. This will be so a user can work on a route and save their progress then resume.

  components: [],
  styles: [],

Component Collection (YET TO BE BUILT)

These are going to be saved components that people have built. The collection will contain and es6 string for rendering into CodeMirror and will have an es5 string that will try eval() catch at runtime to dynamically load into the route.

  es6: String,
  es5: String



Handles all terminal input this is achieved by passing the input to node exec and catching errors returning them to the react component and setting it in an error render state. Terminal appears to have ALL the permissions that you gave it when you launched meteor.


Handles the code editing and saves the resulting input by the user into some.jsx local to the running server. (this is not a permanent file and process should be refactored to a database operation)


Mounts ALL routes. This is for all purposes the main rendering thread of the app. It uses the route process explained above to render the state of the page.


Uses react-rnd and component-menu.jsx to wrap its prop content which is a react component. This makes ALL components in the app moveable, resizable, and collapsable to a button. Coming soon is fullscreen and destroy (aka remove from dom)