Dots is a browser based canvas game written in es6 and then compiled (babel) + bundled (webpack) into a 3 part file application.
- index.html
- bundle.js
- styles.css
npm scripts
- npm run dev-compiler -- sets babel to watch src directory and transpile to dist directory
- npm run bundle -- runs webpack on transpiled result and bundles to dist/bundle.js
- npm run dev-server -- runs live-server in the directory to host the game
Coming Soon:
- Server API with endpoints for multiple games
- Database for hosting user and multiple game highscore / player gamesave
- Universal currency for powerups in games
- [canvas] - HTML canvas
- [node.js] - evented I/O for the backend
- [Express] - fast node.js network app framework [@tjholowaychuk]
- [Webpack] - the streaming build system
- [Internal Classes For Games] - building blocks for making games easier
- [xenos-generator] - generate fast game prototype bases
clone this repo
npm install
npm install -g babel-cli
npm install -g live-server
npm run dev-server