I am freelance software engineer specializing in custom SaaS. I also dabble in web development. I love to solve problems.
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This is a volatility trading bot, during High volatility of thrives and stacks massive amount of Bitcoin. It utilizes Torchain this was chosen because it's decentralized way of swapping native coins across different chain,during a detection of downwards volatility it sells into a stable coin that's on the ethereum network default set to USDC . You can change this in the config.js if you wish to do so it must be one that's on the ethereum chain and it's traded on TorSwap. This trading bot is written in pure JavaScript ran locally on your computer through a web browser. The reason this language was chosen it's easy to read ,easy to verify and easy to modify if you choose to do so. Also by running locally your keys never leave your computer. This aspect leaves you full control of your Bitcoins.
JohnSamson56's Repositories
This is a volatility trading bot, during High volatility of thrives and stacks massive amount of Bitcoin. It utilizes Torchain this was chosen because it's decentralized way of swapping native coins across different chain,during a detection of downwards volatility it sells into a stable coin that's on the ethereum network default set to USDC . You can change this in the config.js if you wish to do so it must be one that's on the ethereum chain and it's traded on TorSwap. This trading bot is written in pure JavaScript ran locally on your computer through a web browser. The reason this language was chosen it's easy to read ,easy to verify and easy to modify if you choose to do so. Also by running locally your keys never leave your computer. This aspect leaves you full control of your Bitcoins.