
Better Doctor is a website that helps users find doctors in Portland or Seattle beside on their medical issue. It is built using JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstap, and HTML

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Better Doctor

This website help users finding a doctor that provides the care they need. The user may enter a medical issue into a form and specify their location from drop down menu options (Portland, OR or Seattle, WA) and optionally a doctor name it could be first or last name and they will receive a list of doctors that matches their search criteria


User enters medical issue and location Portland, OR
  • Input: stomach
  • Output: A list of doctors who can provide care for this medical issue
User enters doctor name and location Portland, OR
  • Input: Matthew
  • Output: A list of doctors that their names contain Matthew
User enters doctor name and location Seattle, WA
  • Input: David
  • Output: A list of doctors that their names contain David
User enters a medical issue that doesn't match a records
  • Input: Toothache
  • Output: No matches found



In order for this project to work, make sure you have NodeJS installed of your machine. To install NodeJS visit this URL: https://nodejs.org/en/ and follow the installing Instructions.

To be able to make API calls, you will need to make an account and get an API key visit this URL: https://developer.betterdoctor.com/ and login if you have an account or sign up for one and get you API key.

In terminal:

$ cd Desktop
$ git clone https://github.com/JohnSawiris/betterDoctor.git
$ cd betterDoctor
$ npm install
$ bower install

Now you have all the project dependencies are installed. Now all you need to have is API key and it should be saved in a variable inside a file called .env, this file should be on the top level of the project directory.

Follow the following instructions to create the .env:

These instructions assumes you have atom text editor installed on your machine

At the top level of the project directory

$ touch .env
$ atom .env

This should open the file in atom text editor, inside of the .env file type the following to save your API key

exports.apiKey=[YOUR API KEY HERE];


There's no known bugs


  • Add functionality to sort doctors based on the location
  • List insurance providers


  • HTML
  • JavaScript & jQuery
  • AJAX
  • Sass
  • NodeJs
  • Bootstrap


Copyright (c) 2017 John Sawiris All Rights Reserved. This software is licensed under the MIT license