##My Plan To Learn at least 1 Thing in Programming a day


  1. I must learn at least 1 new thing a day
  2. I'm not allowed to simply read about the thing I am learning. I must type out the code or implement the idea myself.
  3. I must understand what I learn each day. E.g. I need to be able to replicate what I learned in different scenarios on my own. No copy/paste/"script-kiddie" behavior is allowed.
  4. I must be able to from memory recount everything I learned, before I am done for the day

####Daily Progress

  • Day Two (09/28/2015) - Started Learning Neural Networks; perceptron, sigmoid
  • Day One (09/27/2015) - Learned the basics of markdown
  • Days XX-XX - Learned stuff - got lost on laptop that crashed. will recover laptop eventually
  • Day "Twenty" (06/07/2016) - Made a dotfiles install script for switching laptops/servers
  • Day "TwentyTwo" (11/10/2016) - Working on implementing sorting algorithmsq ####Future Ideas
  • Forking and branching and pull requests in github
  • Functional Programming
  • AI/Neural Networks
  • Modern dev workflow behavior - TDD, Jenkins, grunt, npm, amd
  • Writing partial implementations of many "black boxes" I use - Jquery, Twitter Bootstrap, a web server, git, rendering engines
  • Automating stuff
  • Knuth TAOCP