Your application needs a way to capture information about a household applying for health insurance coverage. Develop a UI for building a household up from individual people.
You have been given an HTML page with a form and a placeholder for displaying a household.
In the given index.html file, replace the "your code goes here" comment with JavaScript that can:
- Validate data entry (age is required and > 0, relationship is required)
- Add people to a growing household list
- Remove a previously added person from the list
- Display the household list in the HTML as it is modified
- Serialize the household as JSON upon form submission as a fake trip to the server
You must write JavaScript, not a language that compiles down to JavaScript. You must use ES3 or ES5/5.1 standard. Assume the capabilities of a modern mainstream browser in wide use, i.e., no bleeding-edge features. No 3rd party libraries -- i.e., no jQuery.
The display of the household list is up to you.
On submission, put the serialized JSON in the provided "debug" DOM element and display that element.
After submission the user should be able to make changes and submit the household again.
Don't modify the initial HTML provided. (Obviously, you can modify the DOM.)