
A system for compressing smart grid data, and allowing queries on the compressed representation.

Primary LanguagePython


A system for compressing smart grid data, and allowing queries on the compressed representation.

Notebooks with Results


Profiles/visualize optimal piecewise-constant (wrt MSE) 1D signal fits.


This gives an example of loading meta-compression, and reconstructing an example.


A notebook that loads space/error statistics, and selects the compressor/complexity hyperparameter to use per sensor. This is saved in a DataFrame, to be loaded into a meta-compression mapreduce job.


A reasonably-well-documented analysis of sensor grouping, using the space/error tradeoff information

Getting Started

Download, build, set env

Create a directory, let's say SmartGridProject.

Clone this github directory into SmartGridProject/src

Create another directory SmartGridProject/data. Create sub-directories:

mkdir $SMART_GRID_DATA/summary_data
mkdir $SMART_GRID_DATA/compression

In setup.sh replace ion_username with your ion-21-14 username. The directions below are for using the system with username melkherj on ion-21-14. If you need to preprocess this data again from scratch, you'll need to change melkherj to your username. You will also need to change melkherj references in stream_config.sh to your username.

In SmartGridProject/src, run source setup.sh

Build our cython libaries:


Load Data into HDFS


hdfs -ls /user/melkherj/unprocessed_power_csvs

This should report: No such file or directory. If it doesn't, you should either: skip this step and use the existing data, or hdfs -rmr the existing data and

hdfs -copyFromLocal /oasis/projects/nsf/csd181/melkherj/PI_data/PI_datasets/oledb_phase1 /user/melkherj/unprocessed_power_csvs

This won't work if the file /user/melkherj/unprocessed_power_csvs in hdfs already exists

Preprocess data in HDFS


./stream.sh preprocess_power_data/stream_config.sh

Create Seek Location Hash

This allows for more efficient random access to the original sensor data on HDFS

./stream.sh model_power_data/get_tag_part_seek/stream_config.sh
hdfs -getmerge /user/melkherj/tag_part_seek "$SMART_GRID_DATA/summary_data/tag_part_seek"

Run Compression Evaluation

Run all compression methods on hadoop. Copy the '^'-separated file giving space/error tradeoff per compressor from HDFS to local. Then process resulting error/space statistics into a pandas dataframe.

./stream.sh ./model_power_data/evaluate_all_tags/stream_config.sh
hdfs -getmerge /user/melkherj/all_space_err.txt "$compression_data_dir/all_space_err.txt"

Load the notebook notebooks/ChooseBestCompressors.ipynb

If you wish to copy this evaluation data to your local machine:

scp <your username>@ion-21-14.sdsc.edu:/oasis/projects/nsf/csd181/melkherj/PI_data/compression/all_space_err.txt <your local root>/data/compression/all_space_err.txt
scp <your username>@ion-21-14.sdsc.edu:/oasis/projects/nsf/csd181/melkherj/PI_data/summary_data/tag_part_seek <your local root>/data/summary_data/tag_part_seek

Run Meta-Compression