
An Objective-C class that enables dynamic localization of an iOS app.

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT


Let your users change the language of your app without restarting it

  • Dynamically localize your app, allowing the locale to be changed at runtime.
  • Provides APIs for setting the locale, as well as retrieving the localized string for a key, similar to NSLocalizedString.
  • Useful when you want to provide an in-app language selection, to allow your users to pick a different language than the system-wide default for your app.

Here's how to use JSLocalization:

Use JSLocalization to obtain your localized strings
myLabel.text = JSLocalizedString(@"MyLabelText");
Use +setCurrentLocale: to change the locale
// Change the locale to Swedish
[JSLocalization setCurrentLocale:@"sv-SE"];

The parameter passed to +setCurrentLocale: must match the name of a lproj localization bundle available in your app's bundle.

Use the JSLocaleDidChangeNotification NSNotification to respond to changes in locale in your views
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(localeDidChange:) name:JSLocaleDidChangeNotification object:nil];

- (void)localeDidChange:(NSNotification *)notification
	NSLog(@"Locale changed to: %@", notification.object);

	// Update label text to match new locale
	self.myLabel.text = JSLocalizedString(@"MyLabelText");

Hope that you'll enjoy using JSLocalization!

Why not give me a shout on Twitter: @johnsundell