- Jon Hearn
- Rae Helsel
- Filiz Kurban
- John Shaff
According to the report for the 2015 National Health Interview Survey, 23.7 million American Adults age 18 and older reported experiencing vision loss. Our app uses Apple’s accessibility features and frameworks to connect the visually impaired with Wikipedia, the largest encyclopedia in the world.
- As a Developer I want to create an app that can be used by the blind and the less visually impaired.
- As a Developer I want to utilize speech recognition to input text into the app.
- As a Developer I want to utilize touch gestures to navigate through the app.
- As a Developer I want to allow the visually impaired user to search Wikipedia from the app.
- As a Developer I want to allow the visually impaired user to select from multiple returned articles based on the search term.
- As a user I want to be able to be able to search wikipedia with the least amount of friction possible.
- As a user I want to prioritize accessibility over aesthetics.
- As a user I want to have the least amount of navigation possible to accomplish anything in the app.
- As a user I want to be able to hear and or read any text on wikipedia.
- As a marketer I want to be able to understand audience segmentation based on disability.
- As a marketer I want to be able to use Fabric as a common point of communication with the app developers.
- Single tap anywhere on the screen and VoiceOver will speak identifying information from the item’s accessibility attributes
- Single swipe left or right and VoiceOver will navigate through visible accessibility items while reading them out loud. Right swipes move forward and down, while left swipes do the opposite.
- Single swipe down to spell out the focused item letter-by-letter.
- Double tap to select the item with focus.
- Three finger swipe left or right to navigate forwards or backwards in a page view.
Apple Frameworks:
- [Foundation](https://developer.apple.com/reference/foundation?language=objc “Foundation Framework”)
- [UIKit](https://developer.apple.com/reference/uikit?language=objc “UIKit Framework”)
- [Speech](https://developer.apple.com/reference/speech?language=objc “Speach Framework”)
Third Party Frameworks:
- [Fabric](https://get.fabric.io/ “Fabric Analytics”)