
Backend REST microservices for Anergy Disco Pro Application used for management of Disco services

Primary LanguageTypeScript

About this Project

This project is a simple backend service application written as a test assesement of technical abilities of Software manager role for Anergy power company by John Alade.

For more information please contact John by mailing topzy20@yahoo.com

Problem Solved

The project was written as a solution to the problem below

Using the information below, create an authentication API for a supermarket with the roles A, B & C.
● Manages product categories
● Manages products
● Manages Employees
● Manages Clients
● Broadcasts Message



Note: Define necessary roles for the user types citing Role A as an example.

Our Preferred Framework/Tools
Express (Frameworks allowed)
NoSQL (MongoDB, etc.)

Create a git or any repo of your choice for the project. You are expected to commit your code regularly while coding. Using any free cloud environment, deploy your project. 



The Deployed version was deployed on heroku can be viewed on here , Please note that heroku free deployed applications go into a sleep mode if not accessed for about 30 minutes and therefore would take some time for the application bootstrap and to load up.

Development Framework

The language used was Express framework, Other libraries include

  • express-jwt, to encode & decode jwt tokens
  • joi for API validation
  • Database is mongodb (Make sure you have mongodb installed)

Development Requirements / Tools

Make sure you install [npm] node package manager on your system, this can be installed based on your operating system


Please skip this section if you already use node on your System

Visit the nodejs website and download the node installer, after then run and Install on your system

After installation, open a new command prompt and type in these commands

  • npm -v which should show you the current version of npm installed on your system

    Version print out should be like 6.xx.x

  • node -v should show you the current version of node installed on your system

Version print out should be like v14.10.0


  • git --version should show you the current version of git installed on your system

Checking out the Project source code on your system

Open the command line and navigate to the folder you wish to create the project

Also install git on system by downloading and run the following code

git clone  [https://github.com/JohnTheBeloved/anergy-disco-pro.git](https://github.com/JohnTheBeloved/anergy-disco-pro.git)

Create your branch from the master branch

git checkout -b <branch-name>

Install project dependecies

npm install

After checking out your branch, the tree project folder structure should be similar to the one below

anergy-mart-pro/               .......Project root folder
  README.md                       .......Project Doc
  node_modules/                   .......Node modules folder
  package.json                    .......Project config 
  public/                         .......Project public access folder
  src/                            .......Development source files
    controllers/                  .......Controllers for the models
    routes/                       .......contains the respective API routes
    models/                       .......Mongo DB types, models and schema
    middleware/                   .......Custom middleware
    utils/                        .......Some utility functions

Running the Project

To run the project in development mode

Type in to your command line

npm run start_dev

After running this command, your project is expected to open up on your default browser

Deploying project locally

To deploy the project locally, run

npm build

After running this command, your project is found in the build folder under the project root folder

Deploying the Project on Heroku

$ heroku create
$ git push heroku main
$ heroku open


Deploy to Heroku

Database instance

MongoDB Atlas

API services

  • Employee Mangement
  • Authentication/Authorization
  • Product Management
  • Message Broadcasts

Testing the API

  1. Testing the SUPERVISOR role
  • Create a employee with SUPERVISOR role
    "firstname": "First",
    "lastname": "Employee",
    "username": "first.employee",
    "password": "password",
    "role": "SUPERVISOR"
  • Sign in with the supervisor login credentials and save the JWT token returned, use the token as a Bearer authentication header to call the following APIs
  "username": "first.employee",
  "password": "password"
  • Create a Product Category
  "name": "Rechargeable Fans"
  • Create 3 Products
  "name": "Anergy 12' Portable Rechargeable Fan",
  "category": {
      "_id": "60eb4dd057faa7e751c0f57a"
  • Create 3 Clients
  "firstname": "First",
  "lastname": "Client",
  "username": "first.client",
  "password": "password",
  "role": "CLIENT"
  • Create a message
  "content": "Rechargeable fans are now available ",
  "medium": "SMS"
  • Broadcast a message to clients
  1. Testing the EMPLOYEE role
  • Create a new employee with the EMPLOYEE role
     "firstname": "Second",
     "lastname": "Employee",
     "username": "second.employee",
     "password": "password",
     "role": "EMPLOYEE"
  • Read all the Product Categories
  • Read all the Products
  • Try deleting a Product category or product (should be unauthorized)
  1. Testing the CLIENT role
  • Create a client using the SUPERVISOR role's token (Token for other roles are undefined)
  • Login with the Client's username and password and get your client token
  • Read all Products