This project is a simple application written as a test assesement of technical abilities of Senior Java Developers for European Bioinformatics Institute by John Alade.
For more information please contact John by mailing
The project was written as a solution to the hacker rank interview question. The technologies used were selected by me since no specific technology stack was specified in the question as it was specified as subjective.
- Back end Technology : Java (Springboot, Hibernate, h2 memory database)
- Frontend : ReactJS framework
- the source can be found in reactjs_frontend folder
- Java 8 or higher,
- Node 8 or higher
- Clone this repository: git clone
- Build the reactjs source :
cd src_reactjs_frontend && npm run build
- Move the front end build into server :
mv build ../src/main/java/resoures/public
- Clone
cd ../
- Install all dependencies and build :
./mvnw clean && ./mvnw compile && ./mvnw install
- The exeutable jar file would be located in
- Move the built jar to a location of your choice
- Execute the executable jar file:
java -jar embi-core-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
mvn test
- The application is now running on http://localhost:8080
- Open your browser and access the http://localhost:8080