
This repository contains research and experiments aimed at producing sparse, interpretable representations of audio.

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This repository contains research and experiments aimed at producing sparse, interpretable representations of audio.

Current Research

My current research is focused on sparse, interpretable representations of audio. Ideally, the sparsity and interpretability also leads to representations that can be manipulated at a level of granularity musicians are accustomed to.

Sparse Representation

Other Areas of Interest

Getting Started

Environment File Template



The MusicNet dataset should be downloaded and extracted to a location on your local machine.

You can then update the AUDIO_PATH environment variable to point to the musicnet/train_data directory, wherever that may be on your local machine.

Room Impulse Responses

Room impulse responses to support convolution-based reverb can be downloaded here.

You can then update the IMPULSE_RESPONSE environment variable to point at the directory on your local machine that contains the impulse response audio files.

My Trained Models

If you'd like to try out some of the models I've trained locally, you can set S3_BUCKET to matching-pursuit-trained-models