
Software Guild Capstone

Primary LanguageJavaScript


###Entire Team completed:
-database schema
-Trello card creation and updating
-AngularJS spike
-TinyMCE spike
-Ability for admin to make post expirable
-Ability for admin to create post
-Convert from Angular routing and ajax calls to MVC

###John completed:
-Balsamiq mockups
-Repo (with exception of static page workflow)
-Edit stored procedure
-Portions of Angular (module, controllers, interactions with some of the pages)
-CRUD base functionality
-Ability for employee role to create post
-Hide expiration of post from visitors
-Ability to set status of post (pending/OK/Soft-delete)
-Html stripper filter in model directory and integration with substring on blog summary partial
-Partial View, display blog posts
-Formatted sidebar and blog positioning

###Ryan completed:
-User stories
-Initialized Database and created tables
-Created Stored Procedures (with exception of edit)
-Static Page CRUD functionality
-Login Credentials
-Admin user rights (admin can create/update/delete posts)
-Admin tools on sidebar
-CRUD base functionality
-Set up mock repo and repo interface
-Unit Tests

##Former Angular project (no longer in use)

-Angular Controllers
-Ajax calls

-Angular factories
-Angular routes
-Angular views