Command and Control functionality using Spotify.
Related blog post
Commands are sent to the infected computer by creating an acrostic of the command with spotify songs (using the json files in /songs) and creates a playlist with the acrostic.
This is the file that will be running on the infected computer. It is designed to be run periodically, so setting up a cronjob on the infected machine to run the script every few hours (or days) is ideal.
Command output is base64 encoded and embedded in the description of the playlist that contained the acrostic command (as well as creating other playlists as needed if the base64 encoded output exceeds the description size limit [300 characters]).
Retrieves and decodes the base64 encoded output from the playlist description, as well as deletes the playlists (technically unfollows the playlists as Spotify never actually deletes them)
Javascript files containing list of songs from each genre to make the acrostic from. (Credit to Acrostify, link to the github here: